24 maart 2025: Roots and Routes: Understanding Migration in a Warming World


As climate change accelerates, it is reshaping migration patterns across the globe. But what exactly is climate migration, and how does it differ from other forms of displacement? This panel will explore the complexities of climate-induced migration, from the legal and policy challenges to the historical inequalities that shape who can move—and who cannot.

Our speakers will discuss the distinction between sudden-onset disasters and slow-onset environmental changes, the gaps in international law, and the responsibilities of the Global North. We’ll also examine how socio-economic status, colonial histories, and border policies influence migration pathways.

Join us for a critical conversation on the roots and routes of climate migration, and what can be done to ensure a more just and sustainable future.


  • Ilse Ruyssen (director CliMigHealth)
  • Albina Fetahaj (author Grenskolonialisme)
  • Florian Debeve (HUGO observatory)
  • Susanne Melde (IOM)
  • Moderated by: Marwa Neji (CESSMIR and the Conflict and Development Department)

Practical information:

Date: Monday March 24, 2025 

Time: 19:00 - 21:30 
Location: Technicum T2 (Auditorium A), Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, Blok T2, 9000 Ghent 
Language: English 
Contact: Iva Donckers (via duurzaam@ugent.be

Registration form: https://forms.office.com/e/hTPTSQKpXB 

Facebook event: https://fb.me/e/cwejyeRhu  

If you need a sign language interpreter, please let us know by email (duurzaam@ugent.be) by 16 March.

Roots and Routes: Understanding Migration in a Warming World