Symposium 'Ghent Muscle Group'

For whom
Employees , Students
18-09-2024 from 09:00 to 12:00
Room 0.8, The Core, UZ Gent, De Pintelaan 185, 9000 Gent
Department of Movement and Sports Sciences & Department of Rehabilitation Sciences - Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

First symposium of the Ghent Muscle Group, an initiative to support collaborations in muscle research across Ghent University.

The Ghent Muscle Group is delighted to invite you to the 1st Symposium organized by this group during which we will discuss muscle topics that range from bench to bedside. This is a symposium/network event that aims at bringing together all UGent members with an interest in muscle research. All researchers working with muscle are welcome: in vitro or in vivo research, in Homo sapiens or any other species, in health and disease.

The Symposium will be divided into two main events:

  • A 20’ keynote presentation followed by 5-10’ Q&A by the following experts:
    • Prof. Dr. Dominique Adriaens: evolutionary biology related to the musculoskeletal system
    • Prof. Dr. Patrick Calders: exercise/muscle physiology in relation to metabolic diseases.
    • Prof. Dr. Catharina De Schauwer: stem cells and cultured meat.
  • A 90’ poster session where PhD students and other junior researchers can share their expertise and interact with each other.

Drinks and snacks will be provided during the Symposium.