An entrepreneurial career

Are you interested in putting your research or an idea you're passionate about into practice and making it count in today's society?
Do you want to innovate or create new concepts, systems, processes, services, …
Then an entrepreneurial career might be the next step for you.

Explore entrepreneurship during your research

You could already test the water by combining your research job or fellowship with an entrepreneurial activity. Find out more about combining your research with other activities in the Framework for Good Research Practice

Support at Ghent University

Do you have an entrepreneurial idea that is based on your academic research?

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Do you have an entrepreneurial idea that is not based on your academic research?

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Don't have any specific entrepreneurial ideas yet?

Find inspiration within the large offer of courses, fellowships, Innovation Bootcamps and info sessions at Ghent University. 

More inspiration

  • Watch our videos about entrepreneurship.
  • Are you curious about your potential to become an entrepreneur? Take the Hunchup simulation test
    to assess how you would execute different entrepreneurial roles.
  • The Technology Transfer office of Ghent University has an annual course on commercializing your
    research results, including a part on social entrepreneurship: the ‘TechTransfer skills’ course.
  • A useful initial screening to see if there is commercial value in your research and if you want
    to act on it, is the ‘Research to Market’ course offered by DO!
  • Find out about the full range of courses, fellowships and info sessions at Ghent University
    or relevant literature on entrepreneurship for researchers.

Steps in the career cycle

Explore yourself

The first part is devoted to exploring your own strengths, motivations
and values.

Explore what's out there

The second step is to discover career options in academia and beyond that fit your professional self-understanding.


Step four deals with applying for jobs, including writing your CV and cover letter and preparing for the job interview.


 The third step is all about setting a goal and focusing on how to get there.