
Cluster Career Management for participants who send in a formalised bid + cluster Leadership and Personal Efficiency for PhD candidates selected to go to Viêt Nam + cluster Communication Skills for PhD candidates whose final reports are positively evaluated by the external partners commissioning the boot camp.
PhD candidates participating in the boot camp from start to finish (equaling 3 seminars in transferable skills) are exempt from further transferable skills training.

Target group

Members of the Doctoral School of (Bioscience) Engineering, the Doctoral School of Natural Sciences, the Doctoral School of Life Sciences and Medicine and the Doctoral School of Social and Behavioural Sciences.


Applicants should already have some strong qualitative and communication skills as well as solid, usable experience in one or more of the following domains: livestock epidemiology, veterinary livestock health, biosecurity in animal farming, aquaculture, (agricultural) economics, (agricultural) marketing and strategic branding, social work, social pedagogy, trauma research, psychology.
Coordinator: Dr Katrien Daemen-De Gelder (Doctoral Schools Office, Ghent University)


The 5th edition of the PhD boot camp, commissioned by 2 Vietnamese companies (Animaid and Lasuco), a Belgian company active in Viet Nam (Inve Aquaculture) and a non-profit organisation active in Viêt Nam (Blue Dragon’s Children Foundation) intends to propel 4 motivated and multitalented PhD candidates into exciting professional territory in Việt Nam.

All applicants will receive a (compulsory) introduction to professional consulting and intercultural skills, after which they will submit a competitive bid to the companies and non-profit organisation mentioned above. The latter will select from among the participants 4 qualified PhD candidates to be sent as consultants to Việt Nam for 2 workweeks in the course of 2018-19.

For those interested, an information session will be organised on Tuesday 13 November 2018 at 13:00 in the Raadzaal (campus UFO), Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 25, Gent.



Programme PhD Boot Camp Việt Nam 2018-2019

Added Value for PhD students

Commissioned and funded by external, non-academic patrons, the boot camp is an high-yield opportunity for PhD candidates who are keen to gain valuable professional work experience, much sought-after by their future employers.

Course Material

Course material will be made available in due time by the trainer of the integrated introduction to professional consulting and intercultural skills.

Registration fee

Free of charge for members of the Doctoral School of (Bioscience) Engineering, the Doctoral School of Natural Sciences, the Doctoral School of Life Sciences and Medicine and the Doctoral School of Social and Behavioural Sciences.

Number of participants

Open to all PhD candidates with solid experience in one or more of the following domains: livestock epidemiology, veterinary livestock health, biosecurity in animal farming, aquaculture, (agricultural) economics, (agricultural) marketing and strategic branding, social work, social pedagogy, trauma research, psychology.
Only 4 qualified PhD students will be selected to be sent as consultants to Việt Nam.

