Good to know

Living and working in BelgiumHub praktisch (5)

The Flemish public employment agency

The VDAB is the public employment service of Flanders. The official language is Dutch. If you are allowed to live and work in Belgium, the VDAB can help you in many ways.

There are also three other public employment services. Contact the service in the region where you live:

  • ACTIRIS, responsible for the Brussels-Capital Region, official language: Dutch and French
  • Le FOREM, responsible for the Walloon Region, official language: French
  • ADG, responsible for the German Community, official language: German

Orientation year in Belgium for non-EEA graduates

If your residence permit in Belgium is based on your studies and after your graduation you wish to stay in Belgium to look for a job, you are eligible for a 12-months residence permit for an orientation year. During this year you have to actively look for a job. This can mean both finding a job with a (Belgian) company or setting up a business of your own (in Belgium).

Useful websites

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