Check-in Field

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In Residence Field, you will be able to register via an online tool to collect your key from the kot coach. On 10 September, at 2pm, this link will be made available.

Please make your appointment at least five working days prior to your prefered check-in date. It will not be possible to check in without a confirmed appointment!

What you can expect

The landlord works with a personal approach and therefore asks you to schedule an appointment with the kot coach. During your appointment, you will receive information about life in the residence, how to reach the kot coach, safety in the residence, living arrangements, waste management and more! During your check-in, the kot coach may ask you to agree to the internal regulations again.

During your stay

Everything revolves around providing students with an unforgettable student time at Upkot. The landlord provides furnished student rooms with curtains, light fittings, a desk, as well as bed furniture. In addition, sustainability is a key issue, both socially and ecologically. Upkot resolutely goes for sustainable techniques such as heat pumps, solar panels, rainwater recovery, ventilation system D, etc. Limoengroen provides the utilities and sustainable techniques. The student pays a fixed fee for electricity, water, heat, internet and waste disposal. The vibrant community is fuelled by our Upkot coach who will organise events for students to connect with each other. Upkot's shared facilities and spaces naturally help this and provide the necessary extra comfort for students.


All payments and invoices are organized through Ghent University. More information can be found on this webpage.

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