Waiting list homes

Your application is on our waiting list

Your application for a living unit in the University Halls of Residence has been processed, but unfortunately, none of the requested living units are available.

At this time, all living units are assigned to other applicants. Your application will remain on our waiting list until further notice. 

Do not forget to notify us in case you have found alternative accommodation so as to avoid an administrative fee

Our advice

You can inquire about your position on the waiting list via accommodatie@ugent.be
If staying in the University Halls of Residence is not your ‘cup of tea’ or if they are fully booked, you can look for a suitable living-unit on the private rented market.

Where can I find rooms?

The search for a comfortable and safe living unit on the private rented market is quite challenging and will take time and effort. A good way to start is to check out the offers on Kot@Gent. This website provides a list of living units that are inspected and approved by the Ghent' Housing Office and Fire Department.

Rental prices will vary depending on the size, facilities, location etc. The approximate rent per month (incl. consumption of water, electricity, heating, internet etc.) is € 399 for a room and € 511 for a studio (with private kitchenette & bathroom).

Should you wish for information on short term rentals, feel free to ask the Housing Office for a list of available housing units via Nathalie Geeraerts.

A few tips

If an offer seems too good to be true, then it probably is. Beware of fraudulent advertisements. Fake landlords are renting out (non-)existent accommodation.

Be vigilant and cautious.

  • Never pay a deposit before signing the contract and being 100% sure the accommodation exists and is for rent.
  • Always ask for the landlord’s personal information (name, surname, phone number and a photocopy of his/her ID).
  • Double-check the provided address.

If you notice any suspicious ads or if you become a victim of a scam, make sure you report this to the local police.

We always recommend visiting the living unit in real life to avoid scamming. 

Rental agreement

  • Read it carefully. Keep in mind that whatever you sign is binding.
  • Pay attention to the conditions for termination
  • Know what is (and what is not) included in the rent
  • See to it that verbal promises are noted in the agreement
  • Make a record of the digits on the energy meters (use of water, electricity, heating) at the start/end of your stay
  • Ask the landlord to use the model rental agreement of Kotatgent


  • Maximum 2 months’ rental  
  • Make sure you get a receipt from the landlord if you pay cash

Inventory (= physical condition of the room)

  • Must be drawn up in detail, preferably in the presence of the landlord


  • Ask your landlord for the certification report from the City of Ghent and the Fire Department
  • Check if there are fire extinguishers, smoke detector systems and emergency escape routes
  • Watch out for dangling or dangerous electrical wiring
  • Look out for damp/mould problems


Ask your owner to register the rental agreement. This gives you the assurance that you can stay in your living unit until the final date stated in the agreement, in case the property is sold. Registration is free of charge.