Waste disposal
In Belgium we sort our trash. Mind the guidelines in the waste rooms.
Litter is sorted:
- blue PMD refuse bag: everything made from plastic, metal packaging, juice boxes or drink carton that is recyclable. For more information check out the posters above the refuse bag
- blue or grey plastic box: paper and cardboard − orange container: glass jars and empty bottles
- fluorescent green refuse bag: all waste that cannot be recycled. For more information check out the posters above the refuse bag
- green container: food leftovers & organic waste
The trash from the studios should be left in the waste disposal rooms on the ground floor of site Kantienberg (Homes Groningen and Göttingen). Use your badge to enter the waste room.
You will find collection boxes for used batteries in the entrance hall of each home. Please only deposit batteries in this box!
PMD - recyclable waste
Make sure bottles and cans are empty!
REST - Non-recyclable waste
Empty your kitchen bin regularly!
Paper and cardboard
Empty and rinse the glass. Lids of glass jars go in the recycle bin (pmd).
Keep separate!
All batteries (also cell phone, camera) -> Bebat recycling Box
Ink cartridges, laser toners -> Toner recycling Box
Old medicines and pills -> Bring to a pharmacist