Psychological guidance

Need for guidance

As a student it is not every day a party: sometimes you have a lot on your mind or it is difficult to find your way.
Did you know that for any matter - no matter how small or 'innocent' it seems - you can go somewhere? So don't keep it bottled up!

Psychological guidance

Do you experience study-related or personal difficulties? Don't just keep them to yourself, even if it seems minor. 

Group offer

Do you suffer from (study) stress, worrying, fear of failure or procrastination?
Ar you struggling with your study approach?
Do you experience a lack of motivation or concentration?
The student psychologists have a range of group training courses.

'Student in Warme Stad Gent' organizes free workshops for all Ghent students.
This around all kinds of themes such as stress & anxiety, personal development, social and intimate relationships and a healthy lifestyle.
There are both one-time sessions and programs that consist of multiple sessions.

Student psychologists

In the Study Advice Department, student psychologists are available to guide students who have gotten into trouble with their studies.
They offer individual guidance.

External psychological counseling

Are the student psychologists unabel to support you?
Then they can refer to an external psychologist.

  • You can turn to licensed psycholgists for affordable psychological counseling.
    You can follow sessions at a reduced rate of € 11 (or € 4 with increased reimbursement).
  • Or you can find a full range of psychologists via Vind een
    Then be sure to check whether your health insurance fund offers psychological support.