Executive board


The Executive Board has authority over all powers assigned or delegated to it by the Board of Governors. On the exercise of these authorities, the Executive Board reports to the Board of Governors.


Voting members

  • Chair: Rector/Vice-Chancellor: Rik Van de Walle 
  • Deputy chair: Vice-Rector/Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Mieke Van Herreweghe 
  • 2 members belonging to the group of the) professorial staff:
    Frank Vanhaecke (substitute Joris Voets), Karin Raeymaeckers (substitute Marthe De Boevre).
  • Each time 1 member belonging to the group of:
    • the assistant academic staff: Robbert Claeys (substitute Jochen Devlieghere)
    • the administrative and technical staff: Stefanie Vermeire (substitute Annelies Roegiers)
    • the students: Ben De Slagmulder (substitute Finn Van Houtte)
    • the representatives of public bodies, political, socio-economic and cultural circles: Siegfried Bracke (substitute Peter Dedecker)

Members with an advisory vote

  • Government commissioner: Erik Maes
  • Chief academic administrator: Mike Nachtegael
  • Chief logistics administrator: Jeroen Vanden Berghe
  • Delegated board member UZ Gent: Eric Mortier


  • Dirk Van Haelter


Agenda, reports and minutes are published internally.


Secretariaat Raad van Bestuur