Board of Governors

Raad van BestuurAuthorities

The Board of Governors is the highest governing body and, as such, has the fullness of action and management powers.
The Board of Governors also determines the academic and administrative organisation of the university.

The Board of Governors is empowerd to:

  1. determining the mission and vision of the university;
  2. approving and, if necessary, amending the strategic plan;
  3. defining, approving and, if necessary, adjusting the budget, annual accounts and annual report annually;
  4. determining the organic regulations.

The Board of Directors may assign, delegate or further delegate all other authorities.
The Board of Governors has approved the vision and principles regarding delegation of powers at UGent.

The delegations of authority themselves are written down in delegation decisions per directorate.

The faculty boards' subdelegations have also been approved by the Board of Governors.


Voting members

  • Chair: Geert Bourgeois
  • Rector/Vice-Chancellor: Rik Van de Walle
  • Vice-Rector/Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Mieke Van Herreweghe
  • Deputy chair: Jimmy Koppen
  • Representatives independent academic staffl:
    Christophe Verbruggen (plv. Roald Docter), Gert Vermeulen (plv. Joke Baeck), Peter Vandenabeele (plv. Roosmarijn Vandenbroucke), Frank Vermassen (plv. Hannelore Denys), Gert De Cooman (plv. Aleksandra Pizurica), Patricia Everaert (plv. Tom Vanacker), Siska Croubels, Tammy Schellens (plv. Bram De Wever), Christian Stevens (plv. Veerle Fievez), Jeroen Dewulf, Mieke Van Houtte (plv. Carl Devos), Ilse Derluyn (plv. Jelle Laverge)
  • Assisting academic staff representatives:
    Dries Bostyn (plv. Ishka Desmedt), Femke De Backere (plv. NN), Tim Van Den Bossche (plv. Tess Goessens)
  • Administrative and technical staff representatives: 
    Hilde Dewulf (plv. Inge Huyge), Tim Joosen (plv. Alain Verbrugge), Jeroen Ongenae (plv. Roger Van Hecke) 
  • Student representatives:
    Tibo Roelants (plv. Pieter-Jan Debruyckere), Hadewig Claeys (plv. Mingqian Wang), Jens Hinderyckx
  • Representatives public bodies, political, socio-economic and cultural circles:
    Mario Coppens (plv. Sabine Slegers), Isabelle De Clercq (plv. Katleen Haentjens), Christophe Dhaene (plv. Nele Dekeyser), Christel Geltmeyer (plv. Chris De Hollander), Simon Gheysen (plv. Stefaan D'Haeze), Isabelle Heyndrickx (plv. Filip Van Laecke), Jimmy Koppen (plv. Ann Brusseel), Chris Reniers (plv. Yves Derycke), Jos Vermeiren (plv. Ann Vancoillie), Peter Wieme (plv. Ann Vermorgen)  
  • UZ Gent representatives:
    Wouter Degrève (plv. Anna Vantilborgh), Valerie Vinck (plv. Hilde Goedertier)

Members with an advisory vote

  • Government commissioner: Erik Maes
  • Chief academic administrator: Mike Nachtegael
  • Chief logistics administrator: Jeroen Vanden Berghe
  • Delegated board member UZ Gent: Eric Mortier


  • Dirk Van Haelter


Agenda, reports and minutes are published internally.


Secretariaat Raad van Bestuur