Mentoring Towards Work or Internship

Are you a graduate looking for a job? Or are you searching for a suitable internship? Do you want to maximize your talents but are finding it difficult to secure a job or internship?

Get in touch with one of the following organizations.

Be.Face vzw

Be.Face is a network of companies that promotes diversity and inclusion in the labor market by creating opportunities for students and job seekers. This network offers mentoring programs for students facing economic, cultural, social, and/or societal obstacles that limit access to the labor market. In short, anyone at risk of exclusion may qualify (e.g., difficult financial home situation, wearing a veil, having a disability, migration background, etc.). In this context, Be.Face offers two possible mentoring programs: Job Academy and Bright Future.

Job Academy

Target Group?

  • You are a graduate (master’s or bachelor’s), looking for work, and facing economic, cultural, social, and/or societal obstacles that limit your access to the labor market.


  • A mentoring program for motivated graduates to facilitate access to the labor market. Be.Face selects a suitable mentor for each young person, who will provide personal and bi-weekly guidance for six months. The mentor supports the young person/mentee in their job search: networking, presenting, interpreting job vacancies, writing a CV, etc. All mentees have access to over 3000 e-learning modules and have the opportunity to attend engaging workshops organized by companies.

Bright Future

Target Group?

  • You are nearing the end of your third bachelor's year (BA3) or starting your master’s degree. You want to get to know the business world through, for example, an internship, and you are facing economic, cultural, social, or societal obstacles that limit your access to the business world.


  • Corporate and association executives guide motivated students to help them better understand the business world. You build a network, participate in informative workshops, and have access to over 3000 e-learning modules. You receive assistance in making career choices and have the opportunity to get to know a company better through an internship.

Want to participate?

Contact Ms. Nicole Van Autreve
0475 23 85 05

DUO for a JOB vzw

DUO for a JOB helps young people with a migration background find their way in the labor market. The organization connects young job seekers with a migration background to people over 50, who volunteer their professional experience to guide young people towards work.

Target Group?

  • You are between 18 and 34 years old, have a migration background, and want some extra support in your job search.


  • DUO for a JOB selects a suitable mentor for each young person, who will provide personal guidance for six months. Together they form a "duo." A mentor is over 50, has extensive professional experience, and sets aside at least 2 hours per week to invest in the young mentee. During the duo, the mentor supports the young person in drafting or refining their CV and cover letter, mapping out a professional project, searching for vacancies, practicing job interviews, etc.

Want to participate?

Contact DUO for a JOB East Flanders
09 278 29 28

Contact Person at Ghent University:

Badra Djait
Coordinator Diversity & Inclusion
09 264 30 03