Portfolio of Education Dimensions
This portfolio has been developed to help in the description, planning and evaluation of teaching.
This portfolio of education dimensions can be used in the context of the procedures described in the Ghent University regulations for the appointment, promotion, evaluation and job of members of professorial staff (ZAP for Zelfstandig Academisch Personeel in Dutch) (the “Regulations for Professorial Staff”) . This portfolio of teaching dimensions can serve as an aid when completing and evaluating the 'integration text', 'reflection report', and 'evaluation report' templates.
The evaluation of education features as part of the six strategic educational objectives of Ghent University, namely:
- multiperspectivism and Dare to Think
- education based on research
- focus on talent of students and staff
- involvement of stakeholders
- internationalisation
- quality assurance.
The educational practice contains a wide range of activities. In this model, the diverse roles and ambitions are translated into five dimensions. For each of the dimensions below, suggestions are made based on elements that lecturers aim to realise, or have realised, within a dimension. These suggestions are neither cumulative nor exhaustive: not all elements need to be demonstrated and elements that are not listed below could also enhance the portfolio.
When selecting the different dimensions, the professorial staff member concerned takes the needs of education at the higher aggregational level into account (department, study programme, faculty).
Five dimensions
1. The nature and quality of the class assignment
This dimension contains the teaching assignment adopted by the professorial staff member. Assignment and quality always go hand in hand: the quality of each part of the teaching assignment is always under review.
The class assignment
- The course units for which the lecturer or co-lecturer is responsible
- The self-awarded contact hours taking into account the number and size of the groups
- The types of teaching methods used
- The types of evaluation methods used
- The coordination activities, such as the organisation of practical work experience, work colleagues, exercises, internships (domestic or abroad), ...
- The guidance of teaching assistants, tutors, or other educational supervisors
- Contribution to the framework of further education (e.g. doctoral training programmes, Life Long Learning, summer courses, honours programmes, ...)
- Initiatives in the framework of subject-specific guidance of students and guidance of international students
Quality of the class assignment
- The quality of education must be guaranteed in any case: taking proven initiative in terms of the continuous improvement of the own education
- Course evaluations by the students
- Self-reflection, initiatives and actions based on feedback from students in course evaluations
- Excellent course evaluations by the students can be used to indicate own excellence
- Faculty summary reports of course evaluations
- Feedback from focus group discussions with students
- Learning content:
- Current events: integration of recent developments into the scientific field
- Scientific research basis: academic education is always based on evidence and research, which are reflected in learning content, e.g. by integration of scientific literature, relevant scientific research, etc.
- Cohesion: vertical and horizontal cohesion between course units within the study programme, position of the course units within the context of the study programme, contribution of the learning outcomes to the study programme outcomes
- The integration of international elements and views
- The reworking of the content of one or more course units
- The writing, regular revision, and/or selection of quality teaching and learning material
- Teaching methods
- Choice of high-quality teaching methods, linked to challenging teaching and learning activities, that are in line with learning goals/learning outcomes/study programme outcomes (‘constructive alignment’), with attention to the teaching methods within the broader context of teaching methods that are used in the study programme
- Attention to active learning where students are encouraged to actively engage in the whole learning process: encouraging students to brainstorm ideas, rethinking of a lesson/course, implementation of active teaching methods, such as group work, case studies, blended learning, flipping the classroom, team-based learning, problem-based learning, student-centred learning, etc.
- The educational reworking of one or more course units
- The introduction of innovative teaching techniques and the monitoring of their feasibility and effectiveness
- Review
- Choice of high-quality evaluation methods that are in line with the learning goals/outcomes and teaching and learning activities (‘constructive alignment’)
- Applying principles of high-quality evaluation: validity, reliability and transparency
- Ensuring qualitative feedback, not only intermediately to stimulate the learning process, during assignments, papers, exercises, presentations, etc., but also following the exam
- The introduction of innovative forms of feedback, such as peer feedback and peer review
- The introduction of innovative review methods and insights
2. The guidance of bachelor’s and master’s dissertations and its quality
This dimension focuses on the guidance of students drafting bachelor’s and/or master’s dissertations.
Bachelor’s and master’s dissertations
- The completed and still-ongoing bachelor’s and master’s dissertations of which promoter and co-promoter
- The bachelor’s and master’s dissertations of which commissioner
- The appointments made with each student by a professorial staff member and assistants/researchers regarding guidance for the bachelor’s and master’s dissertation
- Training, coordination and supervision of assistants/researchers in the guidance of their own bachelor’s and/or master’s dissertations
- Evaluation of master’s dissertations by students (if available)
- Application of the principles of high-quality guidance and assessment of bachelor’s and master’s dissertations
- Ensuring clear communication and appointments
- Ensuring regular and high-quality feedback on content as well as writing skills
- Ensuring a high-quality assessment of the master’s dissertation
3. Educational professionalisation
This dimension emphasises growth and development, the extent to which lecturers undertake further training to develop their skills with regard to their lecturing and other education-related tasks.
- Own development portfolio with regard to educational professionalisation in order to build the required learning pathway. This may include formal as well as informal initiatives of educational professionalisation
- Active participation in teacher training
- Initiatives aimed at language acquisition in function of obligations determined by decree, such as the integration pathway for non-native-speaking professorial staff members, language courses and tests
- The active acquisition of the necessary skills for the implementation of assignments in education policy
- Number of activities of educational professionalisation organised by the central services that were attended
- Number and nature of the activities of educational professionalisation organised by faculties, departments, study programmes, or external parties that were attended
- Active participation of national and international workshops, study days, conferences with regard to education
- Taking the initiative to organise activities of educational professionalisation in connection with contribution to faculty or university education day
4. Education policy
This dimension emphasises tasks adopted by those that are responsible for or are participating in structures that play a central role in the design and implementation of the education policy.
- The high-quality implementation in a specific period of a coordinating and responsible role in the education policy, such as:
- chair of the study programme committee
- ombudsperson
- chair of the review committee, chair of the examination board, chair of the curriculum committee
- chair of a specific study group regarding education policy and quality assurance
- chair of the peer learning committee
- chair of the International Relations Committee
- academic exchange coordinator
- Participation in structures that play a central role in the design and implementation of the education policy:
- member of the educational quality control unit (CKO)
- member of the study programme committee
- member of the review committee
- member of a specific study group regarding education policy and quality assurance
- member of the peer learning committee
- member of the International Relations Committee
- The high-quality implementation of the adopted tasks within the education policy
- The design of an educational policy plan for the faculty/study programme
- The comprehensive reform of (a part of) a study programme
- The development of an English pathway within an existing Dutch study programme
- The preparation of an application for an English study programme, equivalent to an already-existing Dutch study programme
- The preparation of an application for a new study programme
- The coordination of an international study programme (ICP, Erasmus mundus, ...)
- The establishment of national and international educational projects and educational projects in development cooperation
5. Educational quality assurance
This dimension focuses on the overall tasks that form part of educational quality assurance in the broader sense and that aim to improve education and its quality.
- Taking responsibility for the implementation and follow-up of (part of) the study programme or faculty monitor and to ensure that this instrument is used and continues to be used for the realisation of a culture of quality
- Taking responsibility for activities aimed at orientation, guidance and remediation of the (diverse) student population in order to stimulate their study success and wellbeing, as well as their outflow and employability
- Taking responsibility within a study programme for communication, coordination and sharing information between colleagues and towards students through a.o. info sessions, PR study groups, block committees, … as far as these do not belong to the 4 previous dimensions
- The stimulation and installation of a permanent culture of quality assurance through the consistent application of the PDCA and/or the coordination of and participation in actions regarding benchmark
- The organisation of initiatives in terms of the 6 strategic educational objectives, such as e.g. multidisciplinary activities, internationalisation@home, science café, children’s university, social engagement, sustainability and entrepreneurship, development of educational software, diversity, alumni operation, ... as far as these do not belong to the 4 previous dimensions
- The dissemination of own knowledge of education and educational quality assurance to colleagues
- Publications on education
- The development of and/or participation in educational innovation projects in view of the wider dissemination of the results
- The development of MOOCs and other forms of virtual education
- Participation in International Staff Exchange
- Participation as chair/member in external assessment panels or educational quality panels
- Guidance of master’s dissertations or doctorates applicable to education policy and quality assurance, unless within the own area of research
- The development and offering of diversity-sensitive education (adapting to and offering of learning content, learning material, teaching and assessment methods in order to respond to a diverse student population in terms of background, reference framework, prior knowledge and talent)