EU-funded Education Projects

EU logo cofunding

This page provides an overview of EU-funded education projects in which Ghent University is or has been participating. The Ghent University  International Relations Office is itself actively involved in a number of these projects. For more information on these particular projects, please refer to the Project Portfolio.

From 13 to 15 November 2024, Ghent University organised a Staff Training on the use of the Lump Sum funding model in Erasmus+ projects, where it has become the dominant funding model. The key takeaways of this Staff Training.

Funded under Erasmus+ (2021-2027)

Erasmus+ KA2 Cooperation Partnerships

  • AESOP4Food: Action for Education, Spatial Organisation and Planning for Sustainable Food (coordinator: LE:NOTRE Institute)
  • AgeWell: Service Design for Wellness and Healthy Ageing (coordinator: University of Tartu)
  • Be-In: Be Inclusive: towards inclusion of children with special needs and their parents in ECEC (coordinator: Centre for Innovation in the Early Years (VBJK))
  • CHAT-YOUTH: Crisis Help and Assistance for youth during challenging Times (coordinator: Finnish Youth Research Society)
  • CP4T-programme: Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Teach the Teacher programme (coordinator: University Medical Center Amsterdam)
  • Eco-Lab: My Digital Ecological Library (coordinator: Lycée des métiers Gabriel Peri)
  • ED-TED: Equity and Diversity in Teacher Educator Professional Development (coordinator: Freiburg University of Education)
  • EDINABEGReAT: EDucation of International Newly Arrived migrant pupils Befitted Education Groundwork Resources for All Teaching actors (coordinator: Utrecht University)
  • EDUCATORE: End of Disaster: Undoing Crisis. Active Tutors Open to Reflective Education (coordinator: Maria Grzegorzewska University)
  • ENGood: Engineering for Good: Including social perspective in engineering programmes (coordinator: Kaunas University of Technology)
  • ePlanet: European Platform for Planetary health in Medical education (coordinator: University Medical Centre Utrecht)
  • EUROSILVICS: European Higher Education in Forest Ecology and Forest Management (coordinator: Wageningen University)
  • FGA: Ferti & Growth Academy (coordinator: My Training Box)
  • MORDOR: Mapping and Organizing Research on Dictatorship: Open Access Repository (coordinator: Adam Mickiewicz University)
  • PADMICA: scalable and low-resource Preparation And Debriefing Modules for students' Intercultural Competence development Abroad (coordinator: Ghent University)
  • RESPO X: Revolution of E-Skills with Participatory Online eXpert system (coordinator: Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School)
  • SEKEHE: Structural embedding of knowledge by experience in higher education through processes of co-creation (coordinator: University of Ostrava)
  • STESSIE: Strengthening, spreading, (disseminating, implementing and evaluating) the Toolbox for (self-)Evaluation and Stimulation Social Inclusion in Education (coordinator: Flemish Inspectorate of Education)
  • TOMATO: Toolbox for Object-based Methods of Academic Teaching Online (coordinator: University of Strasbourg)
  • U.BI.TEACH: Urban Biodiversity Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Sector (coordinator: University of Zaragoza)

Erasmus+ KA2 Small-scale Partnerships

  • STEAM4AUT: STEAM Education for Autistic Children (coordinator: Private Institute STEM Education Cyprus LTD)

Erasmus+ KA2 European Universities

  • ENLIGHT: European University Network to Promote Equitable Quality of Life, Sustainability and Global Engagement through Higher Education Transformation (coordinator: Ghent University)

Erasmus+ KA2 Erasmus Mundus Action

Erasmus+ KA2 Forward-Looking Projects

  • FLORES: Forward Looking at the Offshore Renewables (coordinator: CETMAR Foundation – Marine Technological Center)

Erasmus+ KA2 Capacity Building in Higher Education

  • INMACOM: Innovative Master’s program in phototonics and optical COMmunications to meet the needs of the telecommunications labour market in Uzbekistan (coordinator: Tashkent University of Information Technologies)
  • PoMiSA: Potential of Microcredentials in Southern Africa (Coordinator: University of Johannesburg

Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Actions

  • UGent_ACADEMY4UA: On-line Ghent University Academy for Ukrainian Lecturers: EU Law and Policy (coordinator: Ghent University)
  • GreenDeal-NET: The European Green Deal: Governing the EU’s Transition towards Climate Neutrality and Sustainability (coordinator: Vrije Universiteit Brussel)

Erasmus+ KA3 European Policy Experimentation in Higher Education – Pilot a joint European degree label

  • EDLab: European Degree Label Institutional Laboratory (coordinator: University of Granada)

Erasmus+ Alliances for Innovation

  • VTskills: Cooperation for Upskilling and building Regional Ecosystems in sustainable precision viticulture (Coordinator: Universidad de Sevilla)

Funded under Erasmus+ (2014-2020)

Erasmus+ KA1

Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships

  • Biostimulant Academie (coordinator: AKINAO)
  • Building knowledge from local practices: a solution for better care and integration of unaccompanied minors (coordinator: Fondation d'Auteuil)
  • CaST: Communities and Students Together (coordinator: The University of Exeter)
  • CoCOS: Co-created Courses through Open Source initiatives (coordinator: Arteveldehogeschool)
  • Creating Bridges: Creating Bridges - networking (coordinator: Fundacion Yehudi Menuhin España)
  • Developing an open online course in European Social Pedagogy (coordinator: Thempra social Pedagogy Community Interest Company)
  • EDINA: Education of International Newly Arrived migrant pupils at primary and secondary school level (coordinator: Universiteit Utrecht)
  • Educ-ARTE: Building Up Together European Identity (coordinator: Fundacion Menuhin Espana)
  • eINFOTED: Electronic International Forum for Teacher Educator Development (coordinator: NTNU)
  • EISCAS: Eurasian Insights: Strengthening Central Asian Studies in Europe (coordinator: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu)
  • ELLeN: English Language Learning & Neurodiversity (coordinator: Goethe University Frankfurt)
  • ENGAGE Europe Engage - Developing a Culture of Civic Engagement through Service-Learning within Higher Education in Europe (coordinator: Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)
  • Enhancing communication: research to improve communication for people with special needs and development of TIC resources and tools. (coordinator: Universidad de Málaga)
  • EPL: European Prescribing License: Preparing future medical doctors in the European Union for safe prescribing (coordinator: Stichint VUMC)
  • eQuATIC - Assessing quality of partnerships amongst Higher Education Institutions (coordinator: Universiteit Gent)
  • Erasmus Skills (coordinator: Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)
  • Establishment of Safer Animal Rescue Capacity (coordinator: Aksaray AFAD)
  • Euro-LEAN: European Lean Enterprise Alliance Network  (coordinator: NTNU)
  • EurOP²E: European Open Platform for Prescribing Education (coordinator: Stichting VUMC)
  • European Plant Breeding College (coordinator: Institut Polytechnique LaSalle Beauvais)
  • FESC: Framework for Erasmus+ staff competencies (coordinator: Philipps Universität Marburg)
  • GeoLAND: Digital Educational Geoinformatic Methodologies for Monitoring Landscape (coordinator: Idryma Technologias Kai Erevnas Forth)
  • GeoReSim: The Geopolitics of Renewables Simulation (coordinator: University of Stavanger)
  • GI-LEARNER: Creating GI Learning Lines in Secondary Education (coordinator: Sint-Lodewijkscollege, Bruges)
  • GI-Pedagogy: Innovative Pedagogies for Teaching with Geoinformation (coordinator: St Mary's University Twickenham)
  • Hilives: Including and Connecting in Higher Education: networking opportunities for independent lives (coordinator: Universidade de Aveiro)
  • INACTIC: International Nursing Advanced Competency-based Training for intensive Care (coordinator: Plymouth University)
  • INORP: Innovation through reflexivity and participation: Strengthening the education and professionalization of social work in professional interfaces (coordinator: Charles University)
  • INTRINSIC: INnovative educaTion foR sustainable eNtrepreneurShip in lIfe sCiences (coordinator: Universität für bodenkultur Wien)
  • ISEU: Innovations in Socially Engaged Universities (coordinator: The University of Exeter)
  • MY GEO: Geo tools for Modernization and Youth employment (coordinator: Universita degli studi di Padova)
  • OceanTraining: toolbox for digital ocean education (coordinator: Universiteit Gent)
  • OptimTex: Software tools for textile creatives (coordinator: The National Research and development institute for textiles and leather)
  • PATHWAY: International career pathways and online curriculum for clinician scientists (coordinator: University Medical Center Utrecht)
  • PEACH Preserving and promoting Europe's cultural and linguistic heritage through empowerment of bilingual children and families ( coordinator: Universiteit Gent)
  • ProuDtoTeachAll: Professional Development Strengthening Competencies to Teach All Learners in an Inclusive Learning Environment (coordinator: Artevelde Hogeschool)
  • REALISE:   Realising the potential of the international mobility of staff in higher education (coordinator: Université Paul-Valery Montpellier III)
  • ReMEIC: Research Master in European and International Criminology (coordinator: Erasmus University Rotterdam)
  • SHEFCE: Steering Higher Education For Community Engagement (coordinator: Institute for the Development of Education)
  • Skills4Smartex: Smart textiles for STEM training (coordinator: Institutul national de cercetare-dezvoltare pentru textile si pielarie)
  • SPIMT  Development of innovative and transnational teaching contents and didactic methods including blended and peer learning (coordinator: HWR Berlin)
  • SQELT: Sustainable Quality Enhancement in Higher Education Learning and Teaching. Integrative Coare Dataset and Performance Data Analytics (coordinator: Stiftung Evaluationsagentur Baden-Wuerttemberg)
  • TRACKs: TRAnsitions Children and Kindergarten (coordinator: University of Jagiellonski)

Erasmus+ KA2 European Universities

  • ENLIGHT: European University Network to Promote Equitable Quality of Life, Sustainability and Global Engagement through Higher Education Transformation (coordinator: Universiteit Gent)

Erasmus+ KA2 Knowledge Alliances

  • eTOMATO: Training and Orientation for Multifunctional Agriculture enTrepreneurial Opportunities (coordinator: Universita degli Studi di Foggia)
  • ICT-TEX: ICT in textile and clothing higher education and business (coordinator: Technical University of Sofia)
  • LEAN4.0: Lean European Action-Learning Network utilizing industry 4.0 (coordinator: Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige Universitet NTNU)
  • T-CREPE: Textile Engineering for Co-creation Paradigms in Education (coordinator: Universiteit Gent)
  • TECLO. Textile and Clothing Knowledge Alliance. Future textile and clothing managers for export, marketing, innovation, sustainability and entrepreneurship oriented companies (coordinator: Link Campus University)

Erasmus+ KA2 Sector Skills Alliances

  • MATES: Maritime Alliance for forstering the European Blue Economy through a Marine Technology skilling Strategy (coordinator: Marine Technology Center (CETMAR))

Erasmus+ KA2 Capacity Building

  • CABCIN: Quality higher education: establishment of capacity building centers as a sustainable solution to raise the standards of teaching staff in Indian higher education (coordinator: Wroclaw University of Science and Technology)
  • CLEMA: Knowledge, Curricula and Practice for the Educational Support Worker in Vietnam (coordinator: Professionhojskeolen I Region Sjaelland)
  • CONSEA: Developing Curricula for Environmental Safety and Biodiversity Conservation in Southeast Asia (coordinator: Université de Toulouse)
  • DigiHealthAsia: Capacity Building for Digital Health Monitoring and Care Systems in Asia (coordinator: Universiteit Gent)
  • FABLAB: Development of a network infrastructure for youth innovation entrepreneurship support on fablab platforms (coordinator: Buckinghamshire New University)
  • FORINT: Internationalisation of HEI's in Cuba and Panama (coordinator: EFMD)
  • IN2FOOD: IN2FOOD (coordinator: Parahyangan Catholic University)
  • NEMEDUSSA: Nematology Education in Sub-Sahara Africa (coordinator: Universiteit Gent)
  • NutriSEA: Network of universities and enterprises for food training in Southeast Asia (coordinator: Universiteit Gent)
  • RecMat: Recognition Matters (coordinator: University of Porto)
  • Smartex: Smart textiles - Modernisation of curriculum of Textile Engineering and Textile Technology in Indonesia, Malaysia and Pakistan (coordinator: Panepistimio Dytikis Attikis)
  • SIMPLE: Support of International Platform Merging Labour an Education (coordinator: Ceska Zemedelska Universzita V Praze)
  • TeComp: Strengthening Teaching Competences in Higher Education in Natural and Mathematical Sciences (coordinator: University of Nis)
  • UNICAM: Implementing quality of education and training of young universities in the rural area of Cambodia (coordinator: University of Girona)
  • WATERMAS: Climate change and Water management in the focus of international master programs (coordinator: University of Applied Sciences Magdburg-Stendal)
  • Yebo!: Development of the Internationalization of PhD studies in South-Africa (coordinator: Université de Montpellier)

Erasmus+ KA3 Support for policy reform

  • DEQAR: Database of External Quality Assurance Results (coordinator: European Quality Assurance Register)
  • Erasmus Without Paper   (coordinator: Universiteit Gent)
  • EWP 2.0: Erasmus Without Paper (coordinator: European University Foundation)
  • FAIR: Focus on Automatic Institutional Recognition (coordinator: Ministerie van onderwijs, cultuur en wetenschap)
  • InTrans: Inclusive Transition across the Early Years (coordinator: Vernieuwing in de Basisvoorzieningen voor Jonge Kinderen)
  • SEED: Smart Entrepreneurial Education and training in Digital farming (coordinator: Azienda vivaistica regionale umbraflor)
  • TEFCE: Towards a Framework for Community Engagement for Higher Education (coordinator: Technische Universität Dresden)

Erasmus+ Jean Monnet

  • GOVTRAN: Governing the EU's climate and energy transition in turbulent times (coordinator: Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
  • PACO: Interparliamentary Cooperation in EU External Action - Parliamentary Scrutiny and Diplomacy in the EU and Beyond (coordinator: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
  • Contemporary History: Network for Applied European Contemporary History (coordinator: Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena)
  • EU@Home: European Union Law at Home (coordinator: Universiteit Gent)

Erasmus+ Sport

  • 2PASS-4Health: Promoting Physical Activity in Secondary School for Health (coordinator: Université de Pau)
  • EPOSM: Evidence-based Prevention of Sporting-related Match-fixing (coordinator: <>strong>Universiteit Gent)
  • Integriball: Grassroots and Women's football (coordinator: Counter Sport Corruption Foundation for Sport Integrity)
  • SG3: Sport Good Governance Game (coordinator: LUNEX International University of Health, Exercise and Sports S.A.)

Funded under other EU funding instruments

Funded under Connecting Europe Facility

  • EDSSI: European Digital Student Service Infrastructure (coordinator: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)

Funded under European Social Fund

Funded under Framework Contract for Services

  • EWP+: Erasmus Without Paper. Framework Contract for Services related to the development, implementation and support of the European Student Card Initiative – online systems, processes and services in relation to learning exchanges (coordinator: European University Foundation)

Funded under Digital Europe Programme

  • AGRITECH EU: Digital agriculture for sustainable development (coordinator: University of Pisa)