Publications and presentations about Ghent University
Publications and presentations about Ghent UniversityWe would like to present Ghent University. Get a glimpse of various stories relating to education, research and social service.
Publications and presentations about Ghent University
We would like to present Ghent University. Get a glimpse of various stories relating to education, research and social service.
Copyright: this material may only be used with a mention of the source 'Ghent University’ or 'Universiteit Gent', and in the context of Ghent University.
You are not permitted to manipulate the image or sound.
Ghent University in a single paragraph
Ghent University is a top 100 university, founded in 1817, and one of the major universities in Belgium with 50,000 students and 15,500 employees. Our 11 faculties offer more than 200 programmes and conduct in-depth research within a wide range of scientific domains. Our credo is ‘Dare to Think’, challenging everyone to question conventional views and to dare to take a nuanced stand. We are a pluralistic university open to all, regardless of their ideological, political, cultural or social background. Ghent University Global Campus is also the first European university in Songdo, South Korea. #ugent
The corporate design is our visual identity: logo, colours, font and imagery are used in all publications and presentations, such as websites, printed materials and signage, etc. A recognisable, uniform appearance strengthens our message and unites us as a university. It makes everyone familiar with our organisation. It makes us stand out.
The film 'Ghent University yesterday, today and tomorrow' tells you all about Ghent University in a few minutes.
There are two versions: one short, one long. The short ‘image film' (02:00 min.) focuses mainly on the ambiance, emotion and experience: ideal for e.g. exhibitions. The longer 'corporate version' (05:39 min.) is ideal for presentation at e.g. congresses, symposia and on websites.
Each version is available in Dutch or English in 1920 pixels (high quality for projection on large or wide screens). These films are copyright protected 'Ghent University', you are not permitted to manipulate or reuse the footage without approval via
The corporate presentation ‘This is Ghent University' presents Ghent University in a concise manner and features up-to-date figures on education, research and internationalisation.
It is used by our employees to present Ghent University at congresses and conferences, meetings with potential partners, etc. Notes under each slide provide more detailed information.
Install the font 'UGent Panno Text' in the weights 'Normal' and 'SemiLight'. On computers of Ghent University employees, this is installed automatically. Can't (have) the font installed? Then present via the pdf (full screen mode via key combination Ctrl + L).
'Dare to Think' (in Dutch: 'Durf Denken’) has been Ghent University’s motto for many years. Critical and independent brains study, do research and work at Ghent University. #durfdenken is in our DNA and what we expect of everyone. It is thanks to ‘durfdenkers’ - those that dare to think - challenging dominant opinions and strong beliefs that the world progresses and that we learned that the earth was not flat and also not in the centre of the universe.
Dare to Think is in our DNA and we encourage everyone to do the same. Get inspired by stories of UGent'ers about the universe of Ghent University: student life, education and research and societal impact. All articles are available in English.
These magazines contain inspiring stories of our (future) students, staff, alumni and partners. Most magazines are available in Dutch, but every so many editions, English-language versions are also printed.