Interdisciplinary pathways for ecological and social resilience: a doctoral winter school

You can still register here: If you want to attend, please register as soon as possible and write us an e-mail at

Theme of the winter school

The ecological crises we face today radically cut across boundaries. As a global phenomenon, these crises transverse geographical, national, and social boundaries, while as anthropogenic phenomena, they are the mark of humankind’s disregard for planetary boundaries.

But the complexity of today’s ecological crises also requires us to break through the boundaries between academic disciplines and thus to think about these crises in an inter- or even trans-disciplinary way. It is important to do so, not only concerning the causes of myriad forms of environmental disruption, but just so when mapping out potential avenues for transformative and sustainable practices.

This winter school aims to foster this kind of connection, understanding, and cooperation between doctoral researchers across disciplines.

Format and week schedule

The course exists out of teambuilding activities, parallell workshop tracks, lectures, discussions, ap public outreach event and an excursion.

The number of contact hours will be around 37,5 hours (not including the lunch break). Additionally, there will be a keynote in the evening for 2 hours.

Preliminary program:

Monday 13/01 Tuesday 14/01 Wednesday 15/01 Thursday 16/01 Friday 17/01
8:30 Welcoming participants Welcoming participants Welcoming participants Welcoming participants Welcoming participants

9:00 - 10:30; Green Hub

GUM + guided tour on 'contested botany'
Workshops + preparation presentation
10:30 Break: 10:30 - 11:00; Green Hub
Philosophizing the ecological crisis: on love, grief and trust

Marjolein Oele
11:00 - 13:00; Auditorium B
Lunch: 12:00 - 13:00; Green Hub
Lunch: 12:00 - 13:00; Green Hub
Lunch: 12:00 - 13:00; Green Hub
Lunch: 13:00 - 14:00; Green Hub
Circular economy

Lionel Devlieger
13:00 - 14:45; Auditorium A
Socio-political perspectives

Mathijs van de Sande
13:00 - 14:45; Auditorium A
Lunch: 13:00 - 14:00
Presentations; -3.1
final reflection;
closure; Green Hub
Humanity and Earth: options to end a toxic and abusive relationship

Sander Jacobs
14:00 - 15:45; Auditorium B
Session on impact & transformative research

Lecture & workshop
14:00 - 17:30; Lokaal -3,1
Break: 14:45 - 15:15
Break: 14:45 - 15:15
Break: 15:45 - 16:15; Green Hub
Philosophy of waste

Lisa Doeland
15:15 - 17:00; Auditorium A
Fire, Remote Sensing and Political Alterity in the Brazilian Amazon

Stine Kroijer
15:15 - 17:00; Auditorium A
Environmental Justice

Larissa Bombardi
16:15 - 18:00;
Auditorium B
17:00 Reflection groups Reflection groups

Workshop tracks:

  1. Environmental narratives 
  2. Exploring time in strange times
  3. Eco-emotions and communities of care
  4. Transformative practices: the case of housing

Public talk and discussion with renowned architect Carolyn steel on food and sustainability 

Join us at this special public event, and think with us about the future of both food and the ways we let it shape our lives and the world around us. After a lecture by Carolyn Steel, we will engage in a discussion on what ‘Sitopic thinking’ can mean in a Belgian context with coordinator of Oikos and co-chairman of the Green European Foundation Dirk Holemans. Afterwards there is also space for questions from the audience and winter school participants.

Date: 16/01


19:00 - doors open

19:30 - start keynote

20:15 - discussion and conversation

21:00 - end

Location: Auditorium Suzanne Lilar (Blandijnberg 2, 9000 Gent)


For whom?

Max. 40 researchers affiliated to all faculties from universities all over Flanders (and open to researchers from beyond). We aim explicitly to organise a winter school on an interdisciplinary approach to sustainability, and we want to invite researchers from diverse backgrounds.

Why would you sign up?

The winter school offers an excellent opportunity to improve your knowledge of today's challenges and broaden your view.

By actively working on problems with fellow students with diverse disciplinary backgrounds during the workshops, you experience the challenge of uniting different visions in the search for solutions for an equitable society within planetary boundaries.

In addition, you will build a network of contacts with committed fellow researchers with diverse backgrounds, and get the chance to network with experts in the fields.


13th of January 2025 until the 17th of January 2025.


This winter school is free of charge and includes lunch. We don't provide accommodation.


Technicum, Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, 9000 Gent


If you are a person with limited mobility or if you have other special needs to attend this activity, please do not hesitate to contact us so we can look together at how we can meet your needs. All locations are wheelchair accessible.

Organising team

The summer school is organised by the Green Office and sponsored by the Doctoral School, with the support of the Flemish Government.

The organising team consist out of researchers and staff from different backgrounds: Wouter Veldman, Balamurugan Deivendran, Femke Auwelaert, Femke Lootens, Kobe Tilley, Linde Lambrecht, Prof. dr. Tim Devos, Prof. dr. Benjamin Biebuyck


You can apply here for the winter school:

Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis based on motivation and background. Researchers from Flemish institutes of higher education are the first target group, but the winter school is also open to other researchers and practitioners.


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