International Joint Master Programmes
Students in these programmes will study at at least two universities in different countries. Certain programmes also offer the possibility for short stays at partner universities outside Europe.
Successful students are awarded a joint, double or multiple degree, depending on the programme and the universities involved.
Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters on offer at Ghent University together with partner universities
- European Master in Global Studies (EMGS)
- Master of Economics of Globalisation and European Integration (EGEI)
- European Master of Laws in Law and Economics (EMLE)
- European Master of Science in Nuclear Fusion and Engineering Physics (FUSION-EP)
- International Master of Science in Advanced Research in Criminology: Border Crossing, Security and Social Justice (IMARC)
- International Master of Science in Fire Safety Engineering (IMFSE)*
- International Master of Science in Textile Engineering (WE-TEAM)*
- International Master in Advanced Design of Sustainable Ships and Offschore Structures (EMship)*
- International Master of Science in Sustainable and Innovative Natural Resource Management (SINREM)* (also funded through EIT-Raw Materials)
- International Master of Science in Environmental Technology and Engineering (IMETE)
- International Master of Science in Soils and Global Change (IMSOGLO)*
- International Master of Science in Rural Development (IMRD)*
- International Master of Science in Health Management in Aquaculture (AQUAH)*
- International Master of Science in Marine Biological Resources (IMBRSEA)*
- International Master in Sustainable Drug Discovery (S-DISCO)*
The following programmes have been recognised as Erasmus Mundus programmes in the past and are currently continued outside of the EU funding context:
*consortium coordinated by Ghent University
In those programmes that are currently receiving Erasmus Mundus funding, Erasmus Mundus Scholarships are available for both EU and non-EU students. These are awarded on a competitive basis.
Application for enrolment and scholarships is directly through the secretariats of these programmes. For programme-specific information, please contact the programmes directly, through the web-links above.
Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters in Europe and beyond
An overview of all Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters including those without the involvement of Ghent University can be found on the website of EACEA
Annual calls for Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters
Within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme, the European Commission annually launches a call for proposals for Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters. Selected Master programmes obtain funding for the management of the programme and scholarships for four student cohorts. Ghent University Academics with an interest in developing a full proposal or a limited proposal for preparatory activities (so-called ‘Design Measures’) are requested to contact for more information and guidance on the relevant procedures.