International Thematic Networks

The international thematic networks are cooperative networks consisting of Ghent University staff members and international partners concerning a specific topic of excellence in education and research.


In the framework its policy regarding strategic international cooperation, Ghent University continues to invest in supporting international cooperation around a specific interdisciplinary theme with the aim of creating added value.

The network of international partners offers an added value through synergy by strengthening the existing capacity and expertise within Ghent University, and/or strengthening the capacity of partners in the South.


  • The network offers support to members of the Ghent University community in the chosen disciplines to engage internationally.
  • It supports the development of new initiatives in mobility, research, education and service to society. It strives for an increase both in the quality and in resources for the work done within Ghent University around this theme.
  • Further, the network promotes the excellence of the institution in this field, thus contributing to the position as an important partner in education, research and service to society and to the international Ghent University brand in general.

International Thematic Networks

ANSER - Sexual and Reproductive Health Olivier Degomme and Emilie Peeters
SEDwise - Sustainability Education Thomas Block and Katrien Van Poeck
GiC - Governance, in Conflict Network Koen Vlassenroot and Tomas Van Acker
GREEN-CHEM Christian Stevens and Nathalie De Coensel
MYTOX-SOUTH Sarah De Saeger and Marthe De Boevre
Plant B+B - Plant Breeding and Biotechnology Godelieve Gheysen, Laura Cortada-Gonzalez, Marc Heijde and Onensmus Mwaura Muigai
CAFRINAT Pascal Boeckx and Marijn Bauters Erik Meers, Ana Robles Aguilar and Nimisha Edayilam
PrIOMiC Jo Vandesompele and Pieter Rondou
Climighealth Ilse Ruyssen and Charlotte Scheerens
Prospect Philippe De Smedt and Jeroen Verhegge
CENTD Bruno Levecke and Sarah Gabriel
INTEC - International network for Ectopic Calcification Olivier Vanakker and Karolien Aelbrecht
CHARM – Consortium for Health Humanities, Arts, Reading and Medicine Jürgen Pieters and Zoë Ghyselinck
DERM – Decolonization of Education and Research on Migration Ilse Derluyn and Giacomo Orsini
MINOS – Multidisciplinary International Network on Sanctions Peter Van Elsuwege and Celia Challet


International Relations Office