Collaboration with Israeli partners - update 16 May 2024

(16-05-2024) Message from rector Rik Van de Walle

Worldwide, university students and staff, as well as many citizens in general, are expressing their concerns and dissatisfaction regarding the conflict between Hamas and Israel. Demands are being made of university decision-makers, including demands regarding whether or not collaboration with (possible) Israeli partners is acceptable.

Many are touched by the conflict between Hamas and Israel, and the situation in Gaza in particular. So am I. Within academia and beyond, different views have emerged regarding what is the best way to deal with this conflict policy-wise. Many struggle with this. So do I.

In its meeting of Friday 3 May 2024, Ghent University's Board of Governors took a number of decisions in this regard. During this meeting, I made an intervention myself, in which I pointed out that Ghent University is in no way collaborating with parties involved in serious human rights violations committed by the Israeli government in Gaza, East Jerusalem or the West Bank, nor wishes to establish such collaborations.

I added that this included the following in particular:

  • Ghent University does not enter into collaboration with Israeli defence companies or Israeli security services.
  • Ghent University does not enter into collaboration with companies that make a profit from activities in the Israeli-occupied Territories.
  • Ghent University does not enter into collaboration with universities located (even if only partially) in the Israeli-occupied Territories.
  • Ghent University does not enter into collaboration with research groups that collaborate with the Israeli army.
  • Ghent University does not enter into collaboration with research groups doing archaeological research in the Israeli-occupied Territories.
  • Etc.

I mentioned all of the above based on information that had been provided to me shortly before the Board meeting.

Afterwards, I received new information, from which it appeared that as a result of 'new evolutions since 7 October 2023’ the Human Rights Policy and Dual Use Research Committee recently formulated a negative decision with regard to three Israeli partners with whom Ghent University currently collaborates. It was stated that “This means that while collaborations with these partners have been positively assessed in the past and are currently ongoing, new collaborations are no longer possible. These are both institutions found to be producing material for the military since October 2023, and institutions that are part of government ministries. [These institutions are:] Holon Institute of Technology, MIGAL Galilee Research Institute, Volcani Center (Agricultural Research Organization of Israel).”

Although it was previously claimed "that Ghent University does not have any collaboration with parties involved in serious human rights violations committed by the government,” the above statement shows that Ghent University currently does collaborate with Israeli partners that are assessed to be (very) problematic.

I am having a hard time with this. Had I known on Friday 3 May what only reached me later I would have advocated in the Board of Governors to do everything possible to terminate as soon as possible the ongoing collaborations with Holon Institute of Technology, MIGAL Galilee Research Institute and Volcani Center (Agricultural Research Organization of Israel).

Therefore, on Monday 13 May 2024, I asked the Human Rights Policy and Dual Use Research Committee to re-evaluate (at least) the ongoing collaborations with the three mentioned partners. It is my personal belief that we should indeed do everything possible to stop these collaborations.

The committee will consider my question today, Thursday 16 May 2024, at an emergency session. A (new) advice regarding the ongoing collaborations with the three above mentioned partners will be delivered to me as soon as possible; after the committee has considered all relevant elements.

Further transparent communication will follow once the Committee on Human Rights Policy and Dual Use Research has drawn up an advice and has informed me about it.