Ghent University 'offline' during DRP test on 11 July

(18-06-2024) On Thursday 11 July, DICT will test the Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP).

Should anything ever go wrong with the Ghent University data centre, this is the plan B. This way, we guarantee that all staff can continue working in the event of a serious incident.

Certain Ghent University ICT applications will not be available during the test: Oasis, Ufora, SAP, SharePoint and the shared S-disk. However, telephony and data communication (e-mail, Teams, etc.) will continue to function throughout the day.

In times of cyber attacks, state-sponsored hacker groups and hostage software, such an annual test is crucial. DICT deliberately chooses a public holiday to test the DRP to minimise disruption to staff and students. Still, it is best to take into account that your trusted ICT applications may be inaccessible on 11 July.