New journal opens opportunities for researchers in law and criminology

(17-06-2024) The Faculty of Law and Criminology at Ghent University has established an international open access journal, the Law & Criminology Journal (LCJ). Its aim: to make quality research broadly accessible after careful evaluation.

Long publication waiting times, opaque review procedures, expensive subscription and publication costs: for a researcher, publishing in a scholarly journal can be challenging.

Ghent University and the Faculty of Law and Criminology are keenly aware of these obstacles and therefore launch an international open-access journal: Law & Criminology Journal (LCJ). The editorial board consists of international experts from Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Spain, Canada, and Brazil, among others.

Open science

This initiative embraces the principles of open science, aiming to make high-quality scientific publications in the broad fields of law and criminology freely accessible to both the scientific community and the public.

LCJ maintains a broad focus and aims to encourage interdisciplinary collaboration and the exchange of ideas. It welcomes submissions from all subfields within law and criminology, accepting manuscripts in both English and Dutch.


The Editorial Board: At LCJ the focus is not on profit but rather on making high-quality, peer-reviewed research widely accessible.

Why publish with LCJ?

LCJ is an excellent journal for scientific research in the legal and criminological domain for several reasons:

  • Rigorous peer review: all papers undergo (double) blind or open review
  • Scheduled review: speed up the review process by submitting the draft or outline of your article
  • Continuous article publishing: accepted papers are immediately published online, without artificial delays in issues or volumes
  • Diverse publication options: in addition to original research and review articles, we accept registered reports
  • Diamond open access: no fees for authors or readers.
  • Retain full copyright: authors retain full copyright and publishing rights without restrictions
  • Support for open research: we encourage the publication of preprints and research data to unveil your research process

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