New concept for student restaurant on campus Coupure with fresh and healthy cuisine

(17-09-2024) In the student restaurant of campus Coupure a pilot project will start to surprise you with tasty and healthy dishes. Every day fresh dishes will be cooked with lots of vegetables and the interior of the dining hall is also getting a cosy makeover.

Until now, the student restaurants of Ghent University, like many school and company restaurants, work according to a concept in which the different parts of the dishes are prepared elsewhere to be (re)heated and served in the restaurants. This method has advantages, but also some limitations, such as a smaller range and not enough vegetables in the dishes.

New pilot project

In response to an increasing demand for more fresh, healthy and varied dishes, Ghent University will soon start a pilot project in which hot and fresh food will be cooked on site by its own staff. The pilot project will take place in the student restaurant on campus Coupure.

Lots of vegetables and fresh soup every day

In the renewed restaurant you will be able to choose from a wide range of sharing dishes, made with plenty of vegetables. Fresh soup will also be made daily in the restaurant. The range will be seasonal and local.

There is a fixed price for the sandwiches and wraps and also a fixed price for the lunch buffet. You can choose what and how much you want, but don't let your eyes be bigger than your stomach. For the fresh soup there will be a price difference between a small or a large bowl. Fresh bread is offered free with the soup and lunch.

Less waste

By self-cooking in the restaurant, we also expect that there will be less food loss. Leftovers can be processed in various ways, for example in soups or sandwiches. In addition, we are fully committed to packaging-free alternatives: no disposable cups for water, coffee or soup, but washable cups. You can also bring your own coffee cup or thermos or buy one for reuse.

Homely atmosphere

Not only the food offering on campus Coupure is getting a makeover. The dining area is also being tackled so that you can enjoy the new dishes in a cosy, homely atmosphere.

Your feedback is important

The pilot project on campus Coupure will run for 2 years so that there is room for evaluation and adjustment during the process. Students and staff members can share their feedback via two iPads. After a positive evaluation, the concept will be gradually extended to the other restaurants of Ghent University.

The renewed student restaurant on campus Coupure will open on 23 September. In the meantime, you can still visit to the cafeteria. Check the opening hours.