Interreg 2 Zeeën - INCASE
Interreg 2 Zeeën
INCASE develops knowledge, innovative applications and pilots on key enabling automation technologies for the future I4.0. INCASE will deliver 10 thematic demonstration trajectories on those key enabling automation technologies for smart factories and green technologies for smart homes and factories. The demonstration actions will inspire practicing engineers towards new products and new production methodologies. The intermediary organizations will actively create awareness on the future I4.0.
Description of the project (Dutch summary)
The main objective of INCASE is preparing the industry (automation & manufacturing industry) for the future “Industry 4.0” (I4.0) and “Industrial Internet of Things” (IIoT). This is done by:
- Creating awareness of technical management and decision makers of companies on the possibilities of the new technologies.
- Preparing practicing engineers by demonstrating new technologies for the future smart interconnected factories, smart buildings and sustainable engineering.
The project specific objectives are:
- Pilots on ProfiCloud
- Pilots on Stress-testing on Profinet
- Feasibility study on PLC
- Pilots on Networked Control
- Pilots on Integrated Design
- Pilots for ProfiEnergy
- Pilots for smartgrids using PLC
- Pilots for Control&HMI for Smart homes
- Pilots for energy monitoring devices connected to IOT, IIOT and industrial networks
- Demonstration tools & actions
Role of Ghent University
Ghent University Campus Kortrijk – Lab Lemcko is the lead partner of the project. Ghent University will be the main driver on the following topics:
- Co-simulation
- Communication in smart factories and smart grids, with focus in Power Line Communication
- Robustness of communication (HFPQ and EMC)
Ghent University will also actively cooperate with the project partners on:
- High performance industrial hardware targets
- Robustness of Profinet communication
- Design and validation of energy monitoring devices
- Integrated design with low-cost controllers
Other interesting topics in the project, where Ghent University will gain knowledge from the partners are:
- ProfiEnergy
- Profinet
- Mobile robotics
- Smart home control
This project has received funding from the Interreg 2 Seas programme 2014-2020 co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund under subsidy contract No 2S01-049.
Prof. Jos Knockaert
UGent Campus Kortrijk
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture – EESA – EELAB/Lemcko
+32(0)56 24 12 11