Framework for Good Research Practice
Ghent University recognises its responsibility to ensure the highest standards of integrity, ethics, and professionalism are observed while doing research. This framework for good research practice sets out general principles and guidelines to promote good practice in research across all disciplines and fields of study.
Good research practices apply throughout all phases of a research project and career, be it while doing research, preparing publications, collaborating with partners, performing assessment, undertaking societal outreach, supervising other researchers or leading a research unit.
In the conduct of all research, the university expects the general principles and standards to be understood and observed by all university employees and other researchers conducting research on university premises or under the auspices of Ghent University (hereafter referred to as researchers). The framework is relevant for researchers at all career stages (early career, postdoc, professors) and needs to be taken up as a shared responsibility.
This framework for good practice is general in nature; specific faculty guidelines may exist. Researchers employed at or affiliated with more than one institution may be expected to additionally comply with codes or guidelines at this other institution.
For more information on the separate topics please consult the Ghent University extranet or intranet.
A ¦ B ¦ C ¦ D ¦ E ¦ F ¦ G ¦ H ¦ I ¦ L ¦ M ¦ N ¦ O ¦ P ¦ R ¦ S ¦ T ¦ W
Academic bibliography (Biblio)
Biblio is both the academic bibliography (overview of research outputs in the form of publications and datasets) and the institutional repository (digital archive of full texts of publications) of Ghent University. It enables the university as well as researchers to maintain an up-to-date list of their published research outputs, enhance discoverability and visibility of their research, and preserve and disseminate scholarly literature.
The university’s policy on scholarly publishing requires (co-)authors to register and deposit their scholarly Ghent University publications in Biblio, and, for publications from 2023 onwards, also to register and link any associated Ghent University research datasets published in an external data repository. To deposit scholarly publications in Biblio, the author’s accepted manuscript (also known as postprint version) and/or the publisher version (also known as version of record) should be uploaded. For scientific journal articles published from 2023 onwards, deposit is required of at least a version that is both peer-reviewed and can legally be made publicly available in Biblio (if necessary, after embargo). This means that for scientific journal articles not directly published in open access, deposit of the accepted manuscript in Biblio is mandatory.
Related topics: affiliation, authorship, copyright, open access, research communication, research data
Academic freedom
Ghent University academics have the freedom to conduct research on any topic. This freedom is not unlimited and goes hand in hand with the responsibility to fully pursue the guiding principles of high-quality and ethical research laid down in the Code of Ethics and the principles of the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity.
Academic freedom is complemented by freedom of expression. Everyone at Ghent University has the fundamental right to speak and express research-based, professional, and personal opinions. In some cases, one even has the duty to speak. In every form of communication, it is clear from which capacity one is acting (as (independent) researcher, consultant, in a personal capacity, …) and how this message came about (based on research, professional experience, personal convictions, …). One takes responsibility for the message accordingly. There are limits to freedom to expression: no negationism, discriminatory and/or hate speech are allowed. Official statements and policy positions of Ghent University may only be communicated by employees who have been explicitly designated to do so. If one observes actions that are or may be in violation of this guideline, the obligation to speak applies.
Related topics: Code of Ethics, confidentiality, research communication, research ethics, research integrity
Access and Benefit Sharing
Researchers accessing genetic resources must comply with national and international Access and Benefit-Sharing (ABS) legislations on genetic resources. These include living or dead organisms (such as plants, animals, bacteria, etc.) or parts or derivatives thereof.
ABS legislations often also apply to the access to traditional knowledge (i.e. knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local communities, associated with plants, animals, etc.). Some countries also regulate access to digital information on genetic resources (e.g. DNA sequences).
National ABS legislation from each country of origin may stipulate different requirements and conditions related to the use of (elements of) their biodiversity. Usually a prior informed consent or notification is required. In some countries access is free of obligations, in other countries it may be complex and difficult. Many countries are party to the Nagoya Protocol, which provides a legal framework for ABS implementation. The EU Regulation related to the Nagoya Protocol stipulates that EU countries must ensure that their users comply with all legislation.
Contractual arrangements on sharing the benefits deriving from the use of the genetic resources must often be made with the country of origin before the research starts. These requirements may range from extensive and complex to minimal and administrative. Researchers must gather and keep proof of the exercised due diligence.
> More information available for Ghent University researchers on the intranet.
Related topics: material transfer agreement, research ethics
When submitting a research output for publication, researchers must use one of the following affiliation tags:
- Ghent University
- UGent
- Universiteit Gent
- Ghent University Hospital
- UZGent
- Universiteit Gent, Campus Kortrijk
- Ghent University, Campus Kortrijk
- UGent, Campus Kortrijk
- Universiteit Gent, Ostend Science Park
- Ghent University, Ostend Science Park
- UGent, Ostend Science Park
- Ghent University Global Campus, Songdo; Ghent University Belgium (including departments other than KR01)
Using the correct institutional affiliation is essential to ensure effective attribution of outputs to Ghent University. It is therefore insufficient to only list the faculty, department, or research unit as the author's affiliation.
Related topics: academic bibliography, authorship, ORCID
Animals in research
Ghent University believes that research using (laboratory) animals often provides an irreplaceable and indispensable contribution in the development of knowledge benefiting both humans and animals.
This belief goes hand in hand with the requested search for alternative research methods. As much as possible, researchers should aim for a research setting without laboratory animals. When using laboratory animals, researchers should try to find ways to reduce the number of laboratory animals and the suffering and/or distress these animals experience. The use of laboratory animals for research purposes has to comply with national and EU regulations and needs to be approved by an ethics commission before the start of the use.
Related topics: research ethics
Artificial intelligence (AI) and GenAI
In Europe, the EU ethics guidelines for trustworthy AI (2019) have been broadly recognised as the guiding ethical principles on AI. These, together with the ALLEA Code of Conduct for Research Integrity, laid the groundwork for the Living Guidelines on the Responsible Use of Generative AI in Research (2024), which provide guiding principles on the use (instead of development) of GenAI in research. When developing and deploying AI, researchers must take into account ethical standards on human agency and oversight, privacy and data governance, diversity, non-discrimination and fairness, accountability, transparency, and societal and environmental well-being.
> More information available for Ghent University researchers on the intranet.
Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) is a subfield of AI that focuses on creating content (e.g. text, images, sounds, 3D models, code, …). It also makes a wide range of (other) applications available, many of which impact scientific research. GenAI tools have become a part of many professionals’ workflows and they will continue to do so in our future careers, also in research. It is essential to establish guidance to ensure that these models are properly used in a responsible way.
Related topics: research ethics
Authorship is related to the actual contribution someone makes to a scholarly publication. Ghent University sets out the policy on authorship and recognition of contributions to scholarly publishing. This policy describes the standard that should be met by all researchers, as a minimum standard.
To be recognized as an author, you must meet at least the following conditions:
- making a significant contribution to the design of the research, relevant data collection, its analysis, and/or interpretation
- drafting and/or critical reviewing the publication
- approving the final publication and
- agreeing to be responsible for the content of the publication, unless specified otherwise in the publication
> More information available for Ghent University researchers on the intranet.
Related topics: affiliation, research ethics, research integrity
see Personal data
see Research funding
Clinical studies
Code of Ethics
The Code of Ethics ('Deontologische Code') provides everyone in the Ghent University community with a guide to integrity and ethics in all aspects of university life (teaching, research, social, student, ... activities). It contributes to the creation of a university culture with shared values and standards that form the basis for working (together) with (social, scientific and organisational) integrity.
Ghent University is open to all staff and students regardless of their philosophical, political, cultural and social background. The institution does not tolerate any form of discrimination and transgressive behaviour, and is committed to fostering a safe and inclusive culture that strives for and promotes equality, values diversity and maintains a positive study and work environment that respects the rights and dignity of all members of the university community. Everyone at Ghent University acknowledges that there is a reason for every boundary and respects the boundaries of others.
One treats everyone at Ghent University and everyone with whom one comes into contact within the Ghent University community with respect and dignity.
One refrains from any form of discrimination and transgressive behaviour, and does not abuse the power granted to one’s role or position. One does not look the other way when disrespectful behaviour – regardless of severity – occurs or when one becomes aware of it, and takes appropriate action taking into account one’s own role and position, and in accordance with applicable laws, regulations and policies of the institution.
All comply with the applicable regulations for the supply, availability and use of alcohol, drugs and medication at the institution.
Any act that is contrary to/fails to meet the integrity standards set out in the Code will not be tolerated, even if the act is common within or outside Ghent University, or if some of the objectives it achieves are dignified or honourable.
Related topics: academic freedom, compliance, leadership and supervision, psychosocial well-being, research ethics
The Codex aggregates the many regulations and codes of conduct that apply within Ghent University.
Related topics: compliance
Combining research with other activities
Researchers might want to combine their job or fellowship at Ghent University with political mandates, professional, paid or unpaid activities (other than activities related to the charitable, recreational and personal sector or activities which are included in the academic assignment of an academic staff member).
Before taking up any kind of other professional activities or ‘secondary employment’ (as an independent professional, freelancer, employee, or otherwise), researchers should ensure that they are allowed to do so according to the regulations of Ghent University and/or their funder. In some cases, it is required to apply for formal approval for secondary employment, in accordance with the institution's policy and regulations on secondary employment. Researchers should provide the university with the most up-to-date information.
Researchers should always discuss the accumulation of activities openly with their supervisor at Ghent University. Members of the professorial staff (who do not have a supervisor) can discuss the accumulation of activities with one of their peers if they wish.
Researchers should be aware that secondary employment may entail a(n) (appearance of) conflict of interest. They should take all necessary precautions to avoid a(n) (appearance of) conflict of interest, as well as a conflict with the standards laid down in Ghent University’s Deontological Code. They should also avoid a(n) (appearance) of conflict of commitment to the main job at Ghent University and for instance (but not limited to) ensure that they are sufficiently available to carry out their tasks and assignments at Ghent University.
Researchers – in particular PhD candidates and postdoctoral researchers – who are considering doing a temporary assignment (e.g., internship or secondment), should make sure that they are allowed to do so.
Researchers who want to combine their job or fellowship with studies, need to ensure that Ghent University and/or their funder allows them to do so.
> More information available for Ghent University researchers on the intranet.
Related topics: Code of Ethics, conflict of interest, entrepreneurship, public engagement
Commercialisation refers to the process through which ideas or research are transformed into marketable products, capital gains, income from licences and/or revenue from the sale of new products.
Since the university in general does not have the facilities for manufacturing, selling and distributing products, commercialisation almost always involves a third party. This can be achieved either by the university licensing intellectual property to an existing company or setting up a new spin-out company dedicated to developing and exploiting the intellectual property.
All research results that can create value are to be reported to the Technology Transfer Office prior to publication or presentation in whichever shape or form.
> More information available for Ghent University researchers on the intranet.
Related topics: copyright, dual-use, entrepreneurship, intellectual property
The Code of Ethics stipulates that everyone at Ghent University is expected to be familiar and comply with all applicable laws and regulations, policies and ethical values that guide our work. Everyone at Ghent University is individually responsible for their own actions and collectively responsible for maintaining the ethical standards and complying with all applicable laws, regulations and policies. For researchers, this framework brings together most related topics.
Related topics: Code of Ethics, codex
Ghent University guarantees the fundamental right to speak. However, this right is limited by the obligation to keep confidential information secret from anyone – both the people of Ghent University and those not affiliated with Ghent University – who is not authorised to take note of it. This duty of confidentiality includes amongst other, confidential commercial, industrial or intellectual data.
Data or information may be confidential when the dissemination of the data is unlawful and/or may harm the owner, the persons concerned, the business processes or the image of the institution. …, unless not disseminating would be harmful to individuals or society at large. Personal data and research results that can create value (in terms of commercialisation and/or implementation) are by definition classified as confidential information. Because not disseminating can also pose dangers in some cases, e.g. a risk to public health, a thorough consideration of all interests, and their weight, is always necessary. Researchers may ask for support when making this decision.
Depending on the risk level, confidential data often require extra measures to ensure security, both during and after the research project, together with compliance with the GDPR. Under no circumstances does one try to access information that is not meant for one. Only disseminate information if you are sure that it is not confidential data or in case you obtained appropriate approval to do so. The duty of confidentiality continues to apply after the termination of your employment and is subordinate to constitutional, legal or decree provisions that oblige you to speak.
To formalise or enforce confidentiality, a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) can be signed. Confidentiality clauses are typically included, in for example, the peer review process.
Related topics: information security, intellectual property, non-disclosure agreement, peer review, personal data
Confidential advisors
Confidential data
see Confidentiality
Conflict of interest
A conflict of interest exists when, in the context of an action, decision or recommendation, the impartial and objective performance of one’s duties or compliance with the principles of fair competition, non-discrimination or equal treatment is compromised, risks being compromised or may be compromised, or that there is a reasonable perception that such a risk may arise due to any direct or indirect, financial or non-financial interest that one shares with a person, institution, organization or company. At that point, one’s actions will not serve the best interests of the university but are financial (e.g., secondary employment, research funding coming from private companies, stock ownership), non-financial (e.g., receiving product samples, media attention), or personal (e.g., family relationships, career ambitions).
Ghent University aims to identify, manage and, in case they cannot be adequately managed, avoid conflicts of interests. As soon as a staff member becomes aware of the existence or potential existence of a conflict of interest, they must immediately and proactively be transparant about it. The code of conduct for conflicts of interest provides for a standard procedure to regularly evaluate activities, assess (potential) conflicts of interest and report them. The code also foresees special procedures in case of:
- the purchase of services and goods, tenders and public procurement
- recruitment and selection procedures
- knowledge and technology transfer
- capital investment or other financial benefit in a spin-off
- activities of (advisory) boards and committees
It is the responsibility of the researchers to always be transparent about all conflicts of interest, whether of a legal, ethical, moral, financial, personal or other nature.
If asked to provide a statement (eg. for a funder or publisher) a researcher needs to be as detailed and specific as possible. In any case the funding of the research must be mentioned.
For Life Sciences the framework of the International Committee of Medical Journal editors (ICMJE) must be followed, but potentially this framework offers guidance for all disciplines.
> More information available for Ghent University researchers on the intranet.
Related topics: combining research with other activities, research integrity
Researchers are subject to copyright law, both when they make use of the work of others and when they publish their research results in an article or presentation. Researchers who want to use copyright-protected materials of others are required to get the explicit consent of the copyright holder(s), unless the intended use is covered by the copyright exceptions for education and scientific research.
In their capacity as authors, researchers may be asked to transfer their copyright to a publisher. In that case, they should be well aware of the consequences this may have (e.g. in terms of losing the rights to freely disseminate and reuse their own work without the publisher’s permission). If possible, it is therefore preferable that researchers avoid (inadvertently) transferring to the publisher their economic rights granted by copyright, and instead grant the publisher a non-exclusive right to publish their work. Some external research funders’ open access requirements may require researchers to at least retain sufficient rights to make the author’s accepted manuscript (AAM) version of their publication publicly available via a repository, with zero embargo and with an open reuse licence (‘rights retention’). Belgian Open Access legislation already ensures that under specific conditions authors retain the right to make the AAM of their scientific journal articles publicly available after an embargo period.
Related topics: commercialisation, intellectual property, open access, research communication
Core Facility
Data management plan
A Data Management Plan (DMP) is a document specifying how research data will be handled both during and after a research project, taking into account what is appropriate given the kind of data being generated or used. It is seen as a good practice in Research Data Management.
A DMP identifies key actions and strategies to ensure that research data are of a high-quality, secure, sustainable, and – to the extent possible – accessible and reusable.
A DMP is now required by many research funders, as well as by Ghent University for BOF and IOF funded research granted since 2020 and for projects of doctoral students enrolled since the academic year 2020-2021.
Related topics: open science, research data, research data management
Dual-use research is research involving goods, software or technology which could be useful for both civil and military purposes. Dual-use research may be carried out at Ghent University, provided that:
- the use of the research results for civil applications remains possible
- the research results cannot be misused for human rights violations at a later stage
- the research partner is not involved in human rights violations, and
- due care is taken to avoid misuse of the research at a later stage
Ghent university does not engage in research which is useful only for military purposes.
Dual-use goods, software or technology (including research results) cannot be shared with entities outside of the EU without a governmental export licence. Equally, care should be taken when employing temporary researchers from non-EU countries to work on dual-use technology.
All research proposals involving defence funding, the military, organisations including universities or research institutes involved in defence research, or the export of dual-use goods, software or technology outside of the European Union must be reported to Ghent University’s Dual-use Contact Point and must comply with the university’s dual-use research policy. The Dual-use Contact Point will help researchers with the necessary screenings of partners and incoming researchers, ethics approval and administration (e.g. when applying for a mandatory export licence when sharing dual-use technology) of the research.
> More information available for Ghent University researchers on the intranet.
Related topics: commercialisation, research ethics, human rights in research
Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN)
In the context of Research Data Management, in some cases a specific application is required to document the research process. This is the case for research for which
- there is currently a paper lab notebook in use
- there is a need for an inventory/sample management system
- there is a need for advanced traceability (e.g. in the context of GxP)
- there is a need for commercialisation
- to avoid discussions about inventorship
- to comply with contractual obligations for documenting research
More information available for Ghent University researchers on the intranet.
Related topics: commercialisation, intellectual property, research data, research data management
Researchers might want to combine their job or fellowship with setting up their own business, and becoming an entrepreneur. Ghent University actively supports researchers who want to bring an idea or technology to the market.
- A business idea can be based on research findings obtained at Ghent University. If this is the case, researchers can turn to Ghent University’s Technology Transfer Office to set up a spin-off company. The university’s business developers also support business development activities.
- Researchers can also have a business idea that is not based on their research. In that case, DO! can offer support and general entrepreneurial guidance.
> More information available for Ghent University researchers on the intranet.
Related topics: combining research with other activities, commercialisation, intellectual property
Ethics dumping
Ethics dumping is the intentional or unintentional export of research practices that can be deemed unethical, to low- and middle-income countries, where ethical regulations may be less stringent, or governance structures may be less well developed. It is the practice of conducting ethically sensitive research abroad in a manner that would not be tolerated from an ethical point of view in Belgium. It is appropriate to conduct research that does not necessarily needs to be conducted outside the EU for a specific reason, within the EU.
Ghent University researchers should avoid engaging in projects or co-operations that bear a risk of ethics dumping, or take measures to prevent this risk.
Ghent University endorses the Global Code of Conduct for Equitable Research Partnerships or TRUST Code as a general ethical framework for scientific research in partnership with, or conducted in, lower- and middle-income countries, making clear that:
- the use of double standards in research, or any other form of ethics dumping, is not acceptable
- Ghent University advocates fair and equal long-term research relationships between partners in high-income and lower-income environments, based on fairness, respect, diligence, and sincerity.
Researchers should test their international research activities against this code.
> More information available for Ghent University researchers on the intranet.
Related topics: academic freedom, Code of Ethics, fieldwork, humans in research, personal data, research ethics
European Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment
European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity (ALLEA code)
see Research data
Feedback and evaluation
Ghent University has several formal and informal evaluation and feedback mechanisms in place. Feedback is seen as a powerful lever for appreciation, motivation and growth, and is an important mechanism in preventing misunderstandings and conflicts. It can be provided ad hoc between employees and managers or between colleagues.
Feedback can also be integrated in formal evaluation procedures. Specific career evaluation policies – with dedicated requirements, aims, procedures and timelines – apply to professorial staff, assistant academic staff and research staff. PhD students are required to submit an annual self-reflection report. Externally funded researchers are also evaluated by their funding agency. These formal evaluations can be crucial for career progression and/or for the continuation of the research project.
Related topics: leadership, psychosocial well-being, research assessment, training and researcher development
When conducting fieldwork or other research activities off-campus and abroad, researchers should act according to local legislation but should also regard Belgian and EU legislation as minimum standard. In order to adhere to the highest professional standards during fieldwork, researchers should also follow some ethical guidelines.
Ghent University endorses the Global Code of Conduct for Equitable Research Partnerships or TRUST Code as a general ethical framework for research activities conducted in lower- and middle-income countries. This code provides guidance for researchers, both behavioural and scientific. It stipulates good practices in striving towards equivalent and respectful co-operations. Researchers should at all times respect local cultures, attitudes and expectations. Working with research participants in other countries, especially non-EU or developing countries, can raise specific ethical issues that require an ethics approval. Local ethics approval may be required depending on the type of research and country of destination.
Transnational co-operation is preferred to one-way extraction of samples or information.
It is strongly recommended to conduct a prior risk assessment, especially when travelling to non-EU countries or to remote or potentially hazardous settings. A risk assessment aims at protecting the researchers and others involved in the fieldwork (staff, students, hired personnel, participants, …), but also the environment they will be working in.
Several of the guidelines on fieldwork also apply to other off-campus activities, such as research visits, conferences, or other (also private) activities linked to Ghent University activities abroad or in the field.
> More information available for Ghent University researchers on the intranet.
Related topics: Access and Benefit Sharing, Code of Ethics, ethics dumping, research ethics, health and safety, personal data
Financial management
All researchers should adhere to the terms and conditions of any grant or contract related to a project. They should actively look for the option with the best value for money and comply with the university’s guidelines regarding the purchasing or procurement of materials, equipment or other resources, and the hiring of staff, paying particular attention to avoiding conflicts of interest. Researchers use organisational resources for their intended purpose and do not make unauthorised use of them for private purposes or personal gain. One’s working time is spent at the behest of one’s Ghent University function.
Good financial management practices require transparency and accountability. All researchers must cooperate with any legitimate internal or external audit or internal monitoring of project finances to ensure these standards are met. This involves maintaining clear, accurate, and timely records of the financial activities and being prepared to provide documentation or explanations when required.
The promotor is designated as the ultimate person responsible for the financial management of a project and becomes – in most cases - the budget holder for these project budgets.
To support effective financial management, Ghent University employs a front office model that includes front officers at faculty level, who provide direct support to researchers and departments, and back officers at the university services. This model ensures researchers receive comprehensive guidance and assistance in managing their finances by pooling knowledge and skills.
Ghent University uses SAP as financial project management system for all types of projects and financial transactions.
> More information available for Ghent University researchers on the intranet.
Related topics: Code of Ethics, conflict of interest, GISMO, research funding
Freedom of expression
see Academic freedom
Funding Academy
see Research funding
see Personal data
Genetic resources
see Access and Benefit Sharing
The Ghent University Research Information System or GISMO is available for researchers to facilitate elements of the administrative lifecycle of research (application for BOF and IOF funding, management of one’s personal profile, curation of one’s academic cv, registration of research units, registration of contracts). GISMO also acts as the database of research projects and research infrastructure.
- All active Ghent University researchers are obligated to indicate at least one research discipline (level 4) in their personal profile and provide a link with their ORCID-id.
- Researchers must complete and update the mandatory information on their research projects via the project forms.
- Certain information is also made available externally via the research explorer.
Related topics: ORCID
Hazardous substances
Health and safety
Research may involve potentially hazardous situations, e.g. the use of potentially harmful equipment, substances or organisms. The safety of all those involved in research (whether it are people, animals or the environment) must be given priority at all times, and health and safety regulations must be strictly observed. Relevant to their research, researchers should be familiar with, and comply with, health and safety policy and standards and codes set forth both by the university and by their research unit.
Appropriate and thorough risk assessments must in particular be undertaken when research involves potentially harmful material or might cause harm to the environment. Appropriate steps as well as procedures adopted to remove, reduce or manage the risks effectively should be put in place.
Support and resources for risk assessments are available via the Teams Medical Oversight, Safety, and Environment.
> More information available for Ghent University researchers on the intranet.
Related topics: Code of Ethics, fieldwork, psychosocial well-being, workplace
Human body material and biobanks
Research involving human body material is subject to strict legislation. Prior approval by a recognised medical ethics committee is required in most cases. When using human body material, researchers must take into account the consent and rights of the donor. The Committee for Medical Ethics of Ghent University Hospital deals with requests concerning human body material.
A biobank stores human biological material, together with data on the material and its donor(s). The collection and storage of human biological material for scientific research needs to comply with these regulatory requirements:
- every collection and storage of human biological material for scientific research needs to obtain an ethics approval
- all biobanks need to be registered with the Federal Agency for Medicines and Health Products (FAMHP). The Ghent University Hospital has established a central biobank and facilitates the registration with FAMHP.
> More information available for Ghent University researchers on the intranet.
Related topics: Code of Ethics, humans in research, research ethics
Humans in research
All research involving human participants or data must comply with the relevant legal and ethical requirements. Particular care must be taken with research involving sensitive information or vulnerable groups (such as children and those unable to provide informed consent), and with covert studies or other projects which do not involve full disclosure to participants.
For research using humans or their information in a medical context prior approval of the Committee for Medical Ethics of Ghent University Hospital is legally required.
Researchers engaging in clinical studies are required to register their projects between and by Ghent University Hospital and Ghent University, with a designated contact point at their own entity before applying for funding.
> More information available for Ghent University researchers on the intranet.
Related topics: Code of Ethics, human body material, informed consent, personal data, research ethics
Human rights in research
In order to prevent contributing to, or benefiting from, human rights violations, all research collaborations must be subject to a prior human rights impact assessment. The promotor must check whether human rights might be violated during the planned activities, whether the research results may be misused for human rights violations at a later stage, or whether the partner may be involved in human rights violations.
Moreover, to allow Ghent University to respond to future human rights violations, cooperation agreements contain a human rights clause. This enables Ghent University to terminate a collaboration when the partner is involved in a serious or systematic violation of human rights. A Human Rights Policy Committee advises researchers on planned collaborations.
> More information available for Ghent University researchers on the intranet.
Related topics: Code of Ethics, research ethics
Impact is the effect research has. This can limit itself to academic or scientific impact (i.e. shifting understanding and advancing scientific method, theory and application across and within disciplines) but in most cases impact means the changes we can see (demonstrate, measure, capture), beyond academia (in society, economy, environment) which happen because of research (caused by, contributed to, attributable to). The process that underlies impact is referred to as (socio-economic) value creation, although many other concepts are widely used such as knowledge exchange or mobilisation. The activities undertaken within this process (or ‘pathways to impact’) are also varied, e.g. public engagement, science communication, action research, technology transfer etc. There is no 'one size fits all' in value creation or impact. Impact may be big or small, local or global, instrumental (direct change) or conceptual (ideas, feelings), quantitative (products, jobs, revenues) or qualitative. There is no single type of impact nor a single type of impact pathway.
> More information available for Ghent University researchers on the intranet.
Related topics: commercialisation, public engagement, research assessment, research communication
Independence and impartiality
In order to avoid any appearance or form of bribery, researchers do not ask for or accept any gift or benefit from other people of Ghent University or external parties (private persons or organisations) that is related to their performance in return for the handling of a file, the provision of information or any other service.
Researchers do not accept gifts from or participate in activities paid for by external parties (private persons or organisations) unless the gift or invitation is part of a normal professional or educational relationship and has a low material value. If a researchers wants to accept a gift or an invitation, they must openly discuss this with their supervisor. Professorial staff can discuss the matter with one of their peers if they wish.
Related topics: academic freedom, Code of Ethics, conflict of interest, research integrity
Information security
Information is an asset that is extremely valuable in all business processes of Ghent University. When processing, storing, sharing and sending information, researchers should appropriately secure their data and apply the information security policy of Ghent University.
Everyone at Ghent University is expected to adopt a responsible attitude towards information they possess, have access to or become aware of, to think about the type of information and to determine whether or not it is confidential information and how it should be handled. Researchers take the necessary measures to protect information (both on campus, at home, …), in accordance with the institution’s information security policy.
> More information available for Ghent University researchers on the intranet.
Related topics: Code of Ethics, confidentiality, personal data
Informed consent
When research involves human participants, researchers need their informed consent for participation in the research. In an informed consent process, participants are provided with full and comprehensible information about the main aspects of the research and if applicable, the processing of personal data. They are also given clear assurance that participation is voluntary and can be terminated at all times. Afterwards, their agreement to participate is indicated by a specific form of consent, e.g. a signature on a consent form, an oral consent.
In the declaration of consent participants should be asked for their permission to: participate in the study, be re-contacted in the future (if applicable), archive their data and if necessary, publish the data and/or make the data available for future research.
If the processing of personal data within a research project is based on consent as the legal ground, researchers additionally need to ask explicit consent to collect and process the personal data from their research participants. In this case researchers need to make sure that this consent and the information provided to the participants, meet several conditions to be legal.
Related topics: humans in research, personal data, research ethics
Intellectual property
Ghent University wants to protect results from research performed at the university by means of intellectual property (IP) rights with a view to commercialisation, as well as safeguard the IP rights of third parties.
Researchers are required to take all appropriate steps to enable protection of research results with commercialisation potential by means of IP rights (such as patents), in accordance with Ghent University regulations. They should consult the TechTransfer Office when developing an appropriate IP protection and exploitation strategy, before their research results are made public through any kind of publication or presentation.
Researchers should also seek the assistance of the TechTransfer Office if they want to provide or receive research materials to and from other institutions or corporate entities, including (but not limited to) information that needs to be kept confidential. The TechTransfer Office will provide legal assistance with regard to the drafting and negotiating of the appropriate contracts (e.g., Non-Disclosure Agreement, Material Transfer Agreement).
Notwithstanding the requirements regarding the protection of IP, researchers are expected to communicate and disseminate their research findings.
> More information available for Ghent University researchers on the intranet.
Related topics: commercialisation, confidentiality, copyright, material transfer agreement, non-disclosure agreement, open access, open science, research communication
see Combining research with other activities
Laboratory rules
Leadership and supervision
Leadership at Ghent University comprises a wide range of responsibilities, roles and commitments.
- Senior researchers (in particular department chairs, group leaders and principal investigators) are expected to create a sound research environment in which good research practices are promoted and in which all researchers can develop their research project as well as themselves. Support is given according to five different leadership roles (leader, coach, manager, expert, and entrepreneur).
For PhD candidates, the Faculty officially appoints one or more PhD supervisors and/or a doctoral guidance committee. The mutual expectations and responsibilities of all parties involved in a PhD trajectory are made explicit in the Charter for doctoral students and supervisors.
> More information available for Ghent University researchers on the intranet.
Related topics: Code of Ethics, feedback and evaluation, psychosocial well-being
Mailing lists
Researchers who make use of mailing lists (consisting of postal addresses or e-mail addresses) for their research (e.g. sending invitations to participate in a survey/interview) or for research activities (e.g. sending invitation to an event/conference) need to be aware that they are gathering personal data that fall within the scope of the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG/GDPR).
Related topics: personal data, surveys
Material transfer agreement
A material transfer agreement (MTA) is a contract that defines proprietary protection when either providing or receiving research materials to and from other institutions or corporate entities. Research materials include, but are not limited to, cell lines, cultures, bacteria, nucleotides, proteins, other genetic or biological resources, pharmaceuticals, or chemicals. Apart from stipulating the ownership of material, it also often includes use limitation, intellectual property protection and confidentiality clauses (cf. non-disclosure agreement). Each exchange of proprietary research material requires an MTA. Other exchanges also often benefit from a material transfer agreement.
> More information available for Ghent University researchers on the intranet.
Related topics: Access and Benefit Sharing, intellectual property, non-disclosure agreement, research ethics
Military application of research
see Dual-use
Nagoya Protocol
see Access and Benefit Sharing
Non-disclosure agreement
A non-disclosure agreement (NDA) is a contract that protects confidential data, proprietary information and/or intellectual property. It is typically signed when receiving, providing or exchanging information that needs to be kept confidential, or can be part of a project or consortium contract. It can be signed between two (or more) institutions or corporate businesses (most often a mutually agreed non-disclosure agreement). Another type of non-disclosure agreement can exist between an employer and its employee.
> More information available for Ghent University researchers on the intranet.
Related topics: confidentiality, intellectual property, material transfer agreement
Off-campus activities
see Fieldwork
ON/OFF campus working
see Workplace
Open Access
Open Access refers to the practice of making research outputs freely available online to readers inside and outside the research community in order to maximise the impact of the research, with minimal reuse restrictions.
Researchers can make their scholarly publications openly available by publishing directly in Open Access via an Open Access journal, publisher or publishing platform, and/or they can deposit a full text version of their publication in a repository such as Biblio and make it publicly accessible there (so-called self-archiving, also known as secondary publishing).
Ghent University requires researchers to comply with any applicable research funder’s as well as the institutional policy on Open Access to publications. For scholarly publications deposited in Biblio, the university expects as a minimum that they are accessible within the Ghent University network, and strongly encourages Open Access, preferably with an open licence if possible. For scientific journal articles published from 2023 onwards, an opt-out Open Access policy applies: author’s accepted manuscripts (AAM) in Biblio are made publicly available after an embargo period in accordance with the provisions of Belgian Open Access legislation, unless the researcher explicitly requests an opt-out.
For published datasets, Ghent University researchers are expected to follow the principle ‘as open as possible, as closed as necessary’, i.e. to make research data publicly available, unless (temporary) access restrictions are necessary for legitimate reasons such as privacy, ethical considerations, commercialisation, intellectual property rights, contractual obligations, etc.
Related topics: academic bibliography, copyright, confidentiality, open science, research data
Open Science
Ghent University is committed to fostering and supporting Open Science. Open Science aims at opening up the results, process and tools of scientific research. It encompasses a wide variety of practices, including ensuring that research outputs (such as publications and research datasets) and educational resources are accessible and reusable, but also engaging non-professional scholars in research (for example through citizen science).
Many research funding agencies strongly encourage or even require beneficiaries to implement open science practices, notably in terms of open access to publications and FAIRness of data resulting from the research funded by these agencies.
Researchers who engage in Open Science activities should take into consideration and balance their practices with requirements regarding e.g. confidentiality and the protection of personal data.
Related topics: confidentiality, impact, intellectual property, open access, public engagement, research data
ORCID refers to Open Researcher and Contributor iD, a unique and persistent identifier that unambiguously identifies individual researchers and distinguishes them from other researchers. An ORCID also allows attribution of research outputs (such as publications and datasets) to the correct person.
All active researchers at Ghent University must register for an ORCID, connect it to their Ghent University account, and mention it on their published research outputs wherever possible. In addition, they need to include it in their grant proposals (BOF, IOF, FWO) and in their research outputs wherever possible.
Due to the wide range of potential uses of the ORCID, it is advisable to create an ORCID before the start of research. The possibility to create and connect an ORCID is available directly via (or via GISMO and Biblio). A researcher’s ORCID profile must be set to ‘public’ in order for it to be consulted during assessment procedures.
Related topics: academic bibliography, GISMO, open science, research communication
Organisational units for research
Although there is no formal organisational chart for research and almost all researchers are affiliated with a department, Ghent University supports the registration of organisational units for research.
> More information available for Ghent University researchers on the intranet.
Related topics: Core Facility, GISMO
Peer review
Peer review (‘expert review’ or ‘merit review’) is the process in which colleagues (‘peers’) assess the research of other scholars, groups of scholars or entire institutions. It is considered an effective (although not perfect) way of safeguarding the quality of research. Peer review is used – sometimes in combination with other evaluation methods – to determine which articles will be published, which grant application will be funded, who will be hired or promoted, etc.
Peer review has a central place in decision-making processes that are crucial for the research and the researchers. Ghent University therefore encourages its researchers to act as peer reviewers.
Peer review must be carried out to the highest professional standards – at least in accordance with the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity - and in accordance with the guidelines of the organisation for which the work is being carried out. The confidentiality of materials being reviewed should be maintained at all times. This also implies that these materials cannot be entered in GenAI tools. Researchers should also refrain from acting as a peer reviewer when there is a conflict of interest.
Related topics: artificial intelligence, confidentiality, conflict of interest, research assessment, research communication, research integrity
Personal data
Personal data are any information about an identified or identifiable natural person. In research projects where personal data are collected and/or processed researchers must meet the requirements of the European privacy legislation, i.e. the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, known as AVG in Dutch), and the Generic Code of Conduct for the processing of personal data and confidential information of Ghent University.
Related topics: confidentiality, humans in research, informed consent, mailing lists, research data, research ethics, surveys
see Personal data
Psychosocial well-being
Ghent University highly values the good mental health and psychosocial well-being of all its researchers. Trustpunt is the university’s dedicated point of contact for all work-related mental well-being issues. Trustpunt offers online information as well as training sessions on how to deal with issues such as fear of failure, conflict, unwanted behavior, stress and burnout. Specific guidance is available for supervisors on how to address well-being issues within their team.
Researchers can turn to the university’s confidential advisors and to the faculty’s confidential contacts for individual support. They can also discuss psychosocial problems with an external prevention officer psychosocial aspects. PhD researchers who are having difficulties which they feel unable to discuss with their supervisor can contact their faculty ombudsperson for doctoral students or the institutional ombuds office.
Overall, exemplary behaviour has a positive purpose in stimulating a university-wide ethical organisational culture. At Ghent University, everyone encourages each other to act with integrity in accordance with the Code of Ethics. In particular, and amongst others, supervisors have an ethical exemplary role within the university community. People who do not comply with the Code of Ethics will be held accountable, for example, but not limited to, during feedback and evaluation interviews.
> More information available for Ghent University researchers on the intranet.
Related topics: Code of Ethics, leadership and supervision
Public engagement
Ghent University is strongly committed to achieving impact through excellent research and considers it good practice to target communication and public engagement at a range of relevant audiences, as well as allow for co-creation of knowledge. Researchers should make all reasonable attempts to maximize the impact of their work, whether this involves the academic community, potential users or the public.
> More information available for Ghent University researchers on the intranet.
Related topics: impact, open science, research communication
see Copyright
Purchasing and expenditure of funds must take place in accordance with the terms and conditions of any grant or contract held for the research and the university’s financial regulations.
Researchers should actively look for the option with the best value for money and comply with the university’s guidelines regarding the purchasing or procurement of materials, equipment or other resources, paying particular attention to avoiding conflicts of interest. Researchers use organisational resources for their intended purpose and do not make unauthorised use of them for private purposes or personal gain.
> More information available for Ghent University researchers on the intranet.
Related topics: financial management
Research assessment
Research assessment refers to the evaluation of the quality and impact of research. Research assessment is at the core of the academic rewards and incentives system. It plays a key role in the recruitment and promotion of researchers, in the evaluation of research groups and institutions, in the distribution of research funding etc. A wide variety of research outputs and outcomes (scholarly publications, data and software, influence on policy and practice, public engagement etc.) can be evaluated, using qualitative and/or quantitative methodologies (including the application of bibliometric indicators and peer review).
In order to promote responsible evaluation methodologies for a wide range of evaluation purposes Ghent University has signed the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) and the European Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment. Ghent University provides guiding principles for the evaluation of research (including guidance on the responsible use of indicators, and a portfolio of research dimensions). These principles are integrated in recruitment and evaluation procedures and processes for diverse job categories at Ghent University (e.g., professorial staff).
Related topics: feedback and evaluation, impact, peer review, public engagement, research communication
Research communication
Researchers are expected to communicate about their research. Ghent University respects the researchers’ right to select the most appropriate route and method for the dissemination of their research. Researchers are invited to use a variety of channels and tools to maximise the impact of their research. They should not limit themselves to scholarly communication (e.g., peer-reviewed scholarly publications or presentations at academic conferences) or to research results. Researchers can, for instance, also undertake public engagement or other activities as pathways to impact.
Researchers are expected to respect the Open Access policy of Ghent University and (if applicable) of their funding agency. Before their research results are made public, they should take all appropriate steps to protect the intellectual property rights arising from the research.
Working with the media can help to inform and educate different groups, inspire people about new discoveries or explain poorly understood issues or the process of science. To be effective it requires careful planning and consideration. Researchers may be advised on their media or communication strategy.
> More information available for Ghent University researchers on the intranet.
Related topics: authorship, impact, intellectual property, open access, peer review, public engagement, research assessment
Research data
In the context of Research Data Management (RDM), data sharing refers to the practice of publicly sharing data from completed (parts of) research, i.e. outside a project or research team. Sharing research data is not an all-or-nothing choice, but a spectrum. It ranges from making data fully open on one end, to keeping them fully closed on the other, with various possible forms of restricted/controlled access in-between.
When considering data sharing, it is important to adhere as much as possible to the FAIR principles. These principles describe attributes that enable and enhance the reuse of data (and other digital objects) by both humans and machines. The guiding principles are caught in the acronym FAIR, which stands for: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable. FAIR does not mean that data have to be fully open. Rather, the 'A' in FAIR means that it is clear how data can be accessed, and - if applicable- under which conditions. In other words, data that are only shared under certain restrictions can still be FAIR. Using a trustworthy data repository already goes a long way towards making research data FAIR. It is therefore the preferred option to publish research data.
Open research data is defined as data that can be 'freely used, modified and shared by anyone for any purpose’ ( There is a growing consensus among research funders, institutions and other stakeholders that access to research data should be ‘as open as possible, as closed as necessary’.
It is highly recommended that Ghent University researchers register any research datasets they have published in a data repository as output in the academic bibliography, and if applicable, link it to their associated publication(s). For scholarly publications published from 2023 onwards, registration in the academic bibliography of any associated Ghent University datasets published in a data repository is mandatory.
Related topics: academic bibliography, open access, open science, personal data, research data management
Research data management
Research Data Management (RDM) entails all actions needed to ensure that data are secure, easy to find, understand, and (re)use, not only during a research project, but also in the longer term.
According to the RDM policy of Ghent University researchers are encouraged (and sometimes obliged) to write a Data Management Plan (DMP) at the start of their research, to carefully manage and store their research data during their research, and to preserve (and to the extent possible) share relevant data for verification and reuse purposes after their research (preferably via a trusted data repository). If applicable, researchers also need to take into account the data management and sharing requirements of external funding agencies and publishers, as well as relevant legislation (such as the GDPR).
Related topics: data management plan, open science, research data
Research ethics
Ethical research is designed and carried out in such a way that it does not do harm to the subject of the research, the environment or its stakeholders, both during the research and afterwards (given the potential applications or impacts). As such, research ethics contribute to the quality and integrity of any research. Ghent University requires its researchers to comply with the highest ethical principles.
Ghent University supports its researchers by identifying and detailing the ethical issues linked to specific research topics, in order to ensure that all research complies with the ethical principles. Institutional ethics committees can provide advice or formal ethics approval. Researchers themselves need ask themselves whether the research can raise ethically sensitive issues, consider what these issues might be and what ethical standards and procedures apply in that case.
The following topics can be found as separate entries in this framework:
- Access and Benefit Sharing (including the Nagoya Protocol)
- Animals in research
- Artificial intelligence and GenAI
- Dual-use research
- Ethics dumping
- Fieldwork
- Human body material and biobanks
- Human rights
- Humans in research
- Personal data, privacy, GDPR (data protection)
- Public engagement
> More information available for Ghent University researchers on the intranet.
Related topics: Code of Ethics, research integrity
Research Explorer
Research funding
For an overview of the most current research funding opportunities, consult the specific web section and/or register for the electronic newsletter (‘BOZI’)
The Ghent University Funding Academy offers support to all researchers who are developing a grant proposal.
Before submitting a research funding proposal to an external funding agency, researchers must seek approval of the application by the advisors in the funding units of the University Services. They will help to draw up a budget according to the funding agency’s rules and regulations, check whether the funding call criteria are met, request a financial check and advise on all relevant matters regarding the application procedure.
If not all parties have signed the contract, a promotor can request an 'early opening of credit line' (better known as ‘VOKL’). This makes the project budget available for urgent hires or specific purchases.
For certain types of research funding mandatory reporting of research output is expected using Biblio and GISMO.
It is important that the interests of all stakeholders as well as the interests and reputation of the individual applicant and the university as a whole are safeguarded when seeking and accepting external funding.
> More information available for Ghent University researchers on the intranet.
Related topics: financial management
Research information system
Research infrastructure
Research infrastructure encompasses all facilities and resources that facilitate the conduct of research. In addition to scientific infrastructure such as apparatus and equipment, this also embraces collections, natural habitats, corpora and databases, including their digital accessibility (licences, databases, etc.) (also often called e-resources). Ghent University has created an overview of its research infrastructure using GISMO/Research Explorer which will allow more transparency and sharing.
Ghent University stimulates the availability and exploitation of highly specialised and indispensable scientific expertise, services and research infrastructure in a real or virtual entity (whether or not across disciplines and/or user groups) by the formal recognition as Core Facility.
> More information available for Ghent University researchers on the intranet.
Related topics: GISMO
Research integrity
Research integrity (RI) is a conceptual framework that describes the attitude of researchers and those involved in research whereby they conduct their research according to appropriate ethical, legal and professional frameworks, obligations and standards. It is about doing the right things, doing them right, and at the right time. RI is considered to be part of the basic professional responsibilities of researchers and is inherently connected to the quality assurance of daily research practice.
It is impossible to provide researchers with a list of dos and don’ts in good academic practice. RI is is more about interpretation and appreciation, about making the right choices within a certain framework. Although there is no international consensus on the definition of RI, the European Code for Research Integrity or ALLEA code provides full guidance for researchers. The code describes the core values of research (integrity) and gives guidance by formulating good research practices, clear descriptions of violations of research integrity, including a determination of the responsibility of all stakeholders within science. Ghent University endorses the ALLEA code and expects every researcher to comply with its principles and to ensure the compliance of those around them.
In general, researchers should refrain from any form of fraud, misconduct, or unacceptable research practices, including, but not limited to, plagiarism, forgery and fabrication. They are actively committed to maintaining the quality of their research and to applying good research practices. This is also important when supervising research. In case of known serious errors, publications are withdrawn or, if possible, corrected. In addition, (doctoral) students actively work to develop skills that encourage good research practices.
Researchers who want to get more hands-on with research integrity are welcome to register for the online training course Mind the GAP: training on Good Academic research Practices or one of the in-depth dilemma trainings.
Any suspicions of fraud or research misconduct can be reported to the Commission for Research Integrity (CWI).
> More information available for Ghent University researchers on the intranet.
Related topics: authorship, Code of Ethics, conflict of interest, research ethics
Risk assessment
Scholarly publishing
see Sustainability in research
Secondary employment
see Combining research with other activities
see Combining research with other activities
If a research proposal, letter of intent, an offer or contract needs to be formally signed in the name of Ghent University, the rector is the only person entitled to do so. One needs to get in touch with the relevant funding unit of the Research Department in order to take care of the signature procedure. Exceptions apply to service agreements up to €10,000 made through standard contracts.
Submitting financial reports to external funders for education and research funding often requires the signature of the university's legal representative. This signature is provided by the Financial Director after the financial reports have been reviewed by both the back office staff in the relevant university services.
> More information available for Ghent University researchers on the intranet.
Related topics: financial management, purchases
see Entrepreneurship
When conducting a survey, chances are that personal data will be collected and/or processed. Personal data are legally protected by the GDPR and researchers must comply to this European privacy legislation. Using a survey to collect ((special categories of) personal) data from research participants might raise specific ethical issues that require an ethics approval. Survey questions should be developed taking into account the methodological standards within one’s field.
Ghent University has a campus licence for the online survey tool Qualtrics. Other survey tools are no longer centrally supported.
Related topics: mailing lists, personal data, research ethics
Sustainability in research
At Ghent University researchers are encouraged to minimise the environmental impact of their research activities. The sustainable implementation of a research project starts at the design stage and continues throughout the lifetime of the project.
Researchers should ensure the careful, sustainable and economical use of the organisational resources that the institution makes available and use them with an eye for economy, efficiency and effectiveness. They should consider actions and measures to reduce, reuse and recycle, promote green purchasing for project-related materials, ensure the sustainability of events, use low-emission forms of transportation, use sustainable and renewable forms of energy, …
Also, the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are increasingly being used as an overarching framework to anchor sustainability thinking in the workings of governments, organisations and also in research. Researchers are encouraged to make themselves familiar with the SDG framework and to apply it in an integrated and constructive way in their research when relevant.
Related topics: Code of Ethics, impact, work-related travel
see Organisational units for research
Training and development
Ghent University offers training and development opportunities to all researchers. These initiatives include formal training, coaching and other activities to help researchers grow in their different roles (e.g., as professional, lecturer and supervisor). All researchers are strongly encouraged to take a proactive role in their personal and professional development. They must (at least) complete the relevant mandatory training (e.g., obligatory courses for researchers who work with lab animals). Supervisors are expected to stimulate the career and professional development of their researchers.
- PhD candidates can participate in the Doctoral Training Programme co-ordinated by the Doctoral Schools. For some PhD candidates completing (part of) the programme is obligatory.
- Postdoctoral researchers can join Ghent University's Postdoc Talent Management Programme or mentoring programme.
- Newly appointed professors can participate in trainings about teaching, research, well-being and leadership. Several of these training courses are mandatory.
Related topics: feedback and evaluation, leadership and supervision
Ghent University opts for a structural combination of working at the office (on campus) and teleworking (off campus/online) as a sustainable form of work organisation. Working off campus may involve certain preconditions and obtaining permission.
> More information available for Ghent University researchers on the intranet.
Related topics: fieldwork, health and safety
Work-related travel
For all work-related travel with at least one overnight stay researchers must submit a travel request via SAP before the trip. Without a travel request a researcher may not be covered by relevant insurance or will not be able to reclaim expenses (if applicable). Researchers are advised to check if the destination is secure before organising the trip.
> More information available for Ghent University researchers on the intranet.
Researchers also need to adhere to Ghent University’s sustainable travel policy.