COVID-19 research project
Duration and starting date
- Period: 6 months
- Funding: € 50.000. Funding can be acquired for personnel, operational costs, equipment, and/or sub-contracting.
- Start project: 15 April 2020
- Deadline: 7 April 2020
- Results online: 11 April 2020
- This call is intended for research projects that focus on the prevention, diagnostics, treatment and/or (medical or non-medical) consequences of COVID-19 (the infectious disease caused by SARS-CoV-2)
- This call aims at projects that have substantial and meaningful results that can make a difference in a relatively short term.
Who can apply?
To apply for this call, the promoter must belong to one of the following categories:
- a member of the tenured academic staff (Zelfstandig Academisch Personeel)
- a visiting professor with at least a research assignment
- senior assistant, senior lector, assistant professor, associate professor, full professor or senior full professor within the integration framework at UGent who holds a PhD degree.
Each promoter can submit one BOF application only. However, a promotor can participate in multiple applications as additional researcher.
Criteria for evaluation
The project proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria:
- Will it likely have an impact on prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of COVID-19?
- Does it provide novel insights into consequences of COVID-19?
- Is it feasible within the time frame proposed and with the financial means available?
- Are the envisaged project results substantial and meaningful and can they really make a difference in a relatively short term?
- Is it innovative and scientifically sound?
- Track record of the applicants in this specific domain.
If projects are ranked ex aequo, the evaluation committees can decide not to give priority to proposals from research groups that have substantial external financial means at their disposal.
- Each proposal will be assigned to two members of the Research Council and/or members of one of the Committees of the Research Council. The Research Coordination Office and the Bureau of the Research Council will try to match the expertise of the evaluators as closely as possible with the topic of the applications, taking into account the regulations concerning conflicts of interest.
- Based on the assessment of the evaluators, the Bureau of the Research Council will make a selection of the applications and formulate an advice. The research projects are granted by the chairperson of the Research Council, based on the advice of the Bureau of the Research Council
How to apply?
The proposals have to be electronically submitted via
Apply for a COVID-19 research project
Results will be online on Saturday 11 April 2020.
- Doreen Rogier & Griet De Geyter,
More information?
The entire call and application form can be downloaded
- Call COVID-19 project (Word-document)
- Call COVID-19 project (PDF-document)
- Application form Call COVID-19 project (Word-document)