Belgian American Educational Foundation: Fellowships

The Belgian American Educational Foundation (BAEF) encourages applications for fellowships for advanced study or research at a Belgian university or institution of higher learning.

Applicants must be citizens of the United States and either have a Masters degree or equivalent degree, or be working towards a Ph.D. or equivalent degree.

Preference is given to applicants under the age of 30 with a reading and speaking knowledge of Dutch, French, or German.

BAEF Fellows must reside in Belgium during the tenure of their fellowship.

The BAEF will award up to 8fellowships each year.

How to apply?

Applicants should make their own arrangements to register or affiliate with a Belgian university or research institution. They apply for the fellowship to the BAEF office in Brussels approx. 18 months prior to the intended start of their study or research programme in Belgium.


Fellowships are awarded for a minimum of 6 months, but are usually awarded for one full year.

How much funding is involved?

The stipend equals $21,000 for one year. The Foundation provides health insurance.
