
Biblio is Ghent University's platform for published research outputs.

As a Ghent University researcher, use Biblio to register your scholarly publications and published research datasets, and to deposit and provide access to full texts of your publications.

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Got a question about Biblio? Check out our documentation/FAQs or get in touch!

What is Biblio?

Biblio integrates 2 core functions:

  1. Academic bibliography: the overview of research outputs published by Ghent University researchers (both publications and research datasets)
  2. Institutional repository: a digital archive to preserve the University's scholarly publications and make them as widely available as possible

The platform contains metadata (bibliographic details) of publications and published datasets. These metadata are publicly accessible.

In addition, Biblio holds text files of publications, which are available according to the access levels and licences selected.

A service by Ghent University Library

  • Biblio is developed and maintained by Ghent University Library. Library staff also ensure the quality of Biblio data.  
  • It is a data source for other internal information systems (e.g. GISMO, Research Explorer) and for external search engines and aggregators (e.g. Google Scholar, OpenAIRE Explore).
  • As an open infrastructure, Biblio aims to support the goals of Open Access and contribute to a healthy knowledge ecosystem more generally.

Benefits of using Biblio

Why use Biblio to register and deposit your published outputs? Good reasons include

  • Making your scholarly publications available in Open Access in a cost-free way ('green' OA)
  • Helping preserve your publications for future generations.
  • Enhancing discoverability and visibility of your research, by ensuring that your publications and published datasets are indexed by external search engines and aggregators (e.g. Google Scholar, OpenAIRE Explore)
  • Ensuring that your outputs count towards interuniversity and interfaculty distribution keys for allocation of Flemish research funds
  • Maintaining and customising your list of published research outputs for your academic cv, grant applications etc.
  • Keeping a dynamic list of publications and published datasets that can be embedded in your (group's) website
  • Saving time: Biblio data is or can be shared with other systems (e.g. GISMO, Research Explorer, ORCID), so you don't have to enter the same information more than once
  • Complying with the reporting requirements and OA mandates of external funders
  • Complying with University policy on scholarly publishing
  • Contributing to the Flemish Academic Bibliographic Database for the Social Sciences and Humanities (VABB-SHW), so publications in those disciplines can be better acknowledged and valorised in Flanders
  • Contributing to an open knowledge base of scholarly communication metadata through Biblio's connection with the OpenAIRE Research Graph

How to use Biblio?

More info is available in the Biblio manuals and FAQs.