Support for Open Access @ Ghent University
Since signing the Berlin Declaration on OA in 2007, the University has been one of the pioneers of the Belgian OA movement. By supporting Green and Diamond OA in particular, it seeks to support the widest possible dissemination of scientific knowledge, with the greatest possible impact.
Got a question about OA? Contact Team Open Science.
Green OA services
Ghent University Library enables the 'green' or 'self-archiving' route to OA via the institutional publications repository Biblio.
- Researchers can publish in the venues of their choice, deposit their scholarly publications in Biblio and make them publicly available online at no cost.
- The repository road to OA is also supported by Ghent University's policy on scholarly publishing, with its deposit mandate for scholarly publications and opt-out OA policy for scientific journal articles.
Diamond OA & other open publishing initiatives
Ghent University Library advances the diamond model of OA publishing, where no fees are charged to either readers or authors. We offer the openjournals platform for publishing non-APC OA journals and conference proceedings with a Ghent University editorial involvement.
In addition, we financially contribute to selected diamond OA and other open publishing initiatives that are aligned with the University's vision for scholarly publishing. The focus is on not-for-profit, community-driven and scholar-led initiatives that foster an open publishing ecosystem. Currently supported initiatives are:
- arXiv
- Confederation of Open Access Repositories
- Directory of Open Access Books
- Directory of Open Access Journals
- OAPEN Library
- Open Book Publishers
- OpenCitations
- Open Library of Humanities
- Peer Community In
- Programming Historian
- SciPost
- SPARC-Europe
Know an open publishing initiative that you would like us to consider for support? Get in touch with Team Open Science.
Training and events
Want to learn more about scholarly publishing and OA? Follow a training, request an info session, or attend an event organised by the Team Open Science.
Check for details of upcoming sessions in the training and events overview page of Team Open Science.

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