VABB: appeals procedure
1 Books and proceedings not accepted by VABB
1.1 B1, B2, B3, C1 from 2017-2020
- Has the peer review report been uploaded in biblio? Then no further action is needed. These publications are included as a standard into the appeal. (Note that peer review reports are included in biblio under closed access, so they are only visible through your own biblio backend).
- Still no peer review report in biblio? Email the peer review reports to
- Group all peer review reports for each book/chapter into one pdf, the biblio id being the name of the pdf.
- Books require a concrete reviewer report. An confirmation of peer review by the editor or publisher alone is insufficient.
1.2 B1, B2, B3, C1 from 2017-2020: the book is part of a book series
- Either an appeal only for this book: see situation [1.1].
- Or an appeal for the complete series: see situation [2.3].
1.3 B1, B2, B3, C1 from 2016 or older
An appeal is no longer possible.
1.4 B1, B2, B3, C1 from 2021 or more recent
There is currently no review by VABB, an appeal is not yet possible.
1.5 Non-UGent publication
These records are not sent to VABB, an appeal is not possible.
1.6 Publisher
- Are all books by the publisher peer reviewed? And the publisher has not been included into the list of publishers? In this case follow the instructions as in situation [2.3].
1.7 Any other situation
2 Journals and book series not accepted by VABB
2.1 (Article from a) journal with “0” on the VABB journals list
- For journals the documentation for an appeals procedure always needs to contain a publicly visible statement of peer review (e.g. on the website or in the printed version).
- Note that a confirmation of peer review by the editor or publisher alone is insufficient.
- Concrete reviewer reports are insufficient, and should not be submitted.
- Email all info about the peer review procedure to
2.2 (Article from a) journal that is not on the VABB journals list
The journal has not yet been reviewed, so an appeal is not possible. First a publication from this journal needs to be sent to VABB.
2.3 Book series which is still not on the VABB series list
(note that the series list contains only the series that have been approved. So it’s not possible to determine beforehand whether or not the series has been reviewed)
- For a book series the documentation for an appeals procedure always needs to contain a publicly visible statement of peer review (e.g. on the website or in the printed version).
- Note that an affirmation of peer review by the editor or publisher only is not sufficient
- Concrete reviewer reports are insufficient, and should not be submitted.
- Email all info about the peer review procedure to
2.4 Non-UGent publication
An appeal is not possible.
2.5 Any other situation