Supportive Programme for professorial staff
As a caring employer Ghent University promotes a talent-driven HR policy. The career model for our professorial staff is based on trust, intrinsic motivation, open feedback culture, and collaboration. This is a fertile ground for innovative research, excellent education and good leadership.
We developed tailormade career support for professors, embedded in a wider learning and development offer for all Ghent University co-workers.
Support for newly appointed professors
- New as a professor at Ghent University?
- As a new professor you are confronted with new responsibilities and challenges. Have a look at our Professional Development Programmes for Newly Appointed Professors and learn how Ghent University supports you.
Guidance and advice
Your faculty HR advisor is your first point of contact when you have any questions regarding your professorial career, such as:
- Questions about your integration text or reflection report
- Information about the training programme
- Support in your role as department chair
- Guidance in constructive collaboration with team members
- ...
The HR advisor forms a liaison between the faculties and the HR department of Ghent University. Next to that, an HR advisor is part of your individual HR committee which guides, coaches and evaluates you throughout the different steps of your professorial career.
Individual coaching
You can make an appointment for an individual meeting with one of our HR coaches. We use a strengths based approach in which we can help you to discover your talents, competencies, and energy drivers as to improve your efficiency and work satisfaction. It gives you the opportunity to take one step back and to reflect upon your professional and personal ambitions, the hurdles to take in your career, the challenges you encounter, and to increase your self-awareness.
Topics that can be discussed:
- Career goals
- Leadership style or role
- Time-management
- Work-life balance
- Communication skills
- Talents, competencies, drivers
Online tools
Toolbox for supervisors
This toolbox provides you support in taking up your role and responsibilities as supervisor. We offer concrete tools, reading, listening and viewing tips on challenges you might encounter as supervisor. Read more
Tools focused on your role as PhD supervisor:
- Your role as PhD supervisor: Being a PhD supervisor at Ghent University comprises a wide range of responsibilities, commitments, skills and competencies. The leadership roles and the charter for PhD candidates and supervisors can guide you in taking up your role.
- Practical tools for PhD supervisors: To support and inform you as PhD supervisor, we have collected good practices, tools and supportive information on the supervisory process.
Training programme
The career development office offers a wide range of in-house training and workshops for all Ghent University staff.
Tailormade courses for professors
- New!: Leadership Track: Agile Leadership (in Dutch)
- New!: Leadership Track: Agile Leadership for PhD Supervisors (in English)
- Leiding geven aan een virtueel team (in Dutch)
- Prof - Selectiegesprek academisch personeel (in Dutch)
- Prof - Omgaan met spanningen in het team (in Dutch)
- Prof - Personal time management (in English)
- Prof - Aan de slag met jouw ZAP-loopbaan (in Dutch)
- Prof - Evaluatiegesprek in de HR-commissie (in Dutch)
Courses open to all staff
- Develop your general knowledge and skills in the following domains: communication, ICT, leadership, career, organization, stress management, and language.
- Develop your Ghent University’s specific knowledge and skills: Computer knowledge, financial administration, wellbeing and environment, diversity and gender, website and information management.
Register for the training programme
Go to SuccessFactors and click on "Talent management".
Cancellation policy
All courses are free of charge, but not for Ghent University! Registration involves a commitment to attend the workshops and professional attitude. Kindly thoroughly read the cancellation policy.
Career Development Office
HR coaches:
Department of Personnel and Organization
Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 25
9000 Gent