Language courses

There are various institutions that offer Dutch language courses.

At the University language centre

Through its University Language Centre (, Ghent University offers a range of Dutch language courses at various levels:

  • Dutch A2 level: In order to achieve the required A2 CEFR level: 2 courses of 60 hours must be completed.
  • Dutch B2 level: 5 courses of 60 hours must be completed in order to obtain the B2 CEFR level

These courses can be followed in daytime or evening classes, online or on campus, from October to December and from February to May. Summer or winter courses are also available. The evening courses are offered once per semester; thus, it takes a year to complete 2 courses and the B2 level can be obtained after 2.5 years.

Find here an overview of available courses.

At another language centre

There are several other options to learn Dutch in Flanders.

1. Recognized universities where the Interuniversity Language Test for non-Dutch speaking persons (ITNA) can be obtained

2. Centre for adult education (CVO)

3. Centre for basic education (LIGO)

4. Trainings centers from the Flemish government

5. Occupational training courses in combination with language courses

Private training

It is possible to learn Dutch trough private trainings and tutors. The trainings work towards passing an ITNA test at the University’s language center.

The university works together with: