Carthage Studies

Carthage Studies is een peer-reviewed tijdschrift met de bedoeling onderzoek rond antiek Carthago te publiceren, van de Fenicische periode tot de Middeleeuwen. De voertaal is (bij voorkeur) Engels, Frans of Italiaans.

Editorial Board

Editor: Prof. Dr. Roald Docter

Advisory Editoral board

Prof. Dr. Habib Ben Younes (Tunis) Dr. Joan Ramon Torres (Ibiza)
Prof. Dr. Fethi Chelbi (Tunis) Dr. Claudia Sagona (Melbourne)
Dr. Brien Garnand (Walla Walla) Prof. Dr. Thomas Schäfer (Tübingen)
Prof. Dr. Nota Kourou (Athens) Prof. Dr. Philip C. Schmitz (Michigan)
Dr. John Lund (Copenhagen) Dr. Francesca Spatafora (Palermo)
Dr. Boutheina Maraoui Telmini (Tunis) Prof. Dr. Susan Stevens (Lynchburg)
Prof. Dr. Dirce Marzoli (Madrid) Dr. Nicholas Vella (La Valletta)
Dr. Richard Miles (Cambridge) Prof. Dr. Carlos Wagner (Madrid)
Dr. Ida Oggiano (Rome)  

Gepubliceerde nummers

CARTHAGE STUDIES 1 (2007): BABETTE BECHTOLD, La classe Byrsa 661 a Cartagine. Nuove evidenze per la tipologia e la cronologia di ceramica calena nella metropoli punica; ROALD F. DOCTER, Published Settlement Contexts of Punic Carthage

CARTHAGE STUDIES 2 (2008): BABETTE BECHTOLD, Observations on the amphora repertoire of Middle Punic Carthage


* Roald Docter: In memoriam Hans Georg Niemeyer (1933-2007), pp. 1-12
* Roald Docter, Kheir-eddine Hassaine: In memoriam Friedrich Rakob (1931-2007) , pp. 13-20
* Jeffrey Slopsma, Louise van Wijngaarden-Bakker, Rik Maliepaard: Animal Remains from the Bir Messaouda Excavations 2000/2001 and other Carthaginian Settlement Contexts, pp. 21-64
* Wim Van Neer, Wim Wouters: Fish Remains from the Bir Messaouda Excavations 2000/2001 and other Carthaginian Settlement Contexts, pp. 65-74
* Sami Ben Taher, Lamia Fersi: Gigthis et Carthage du Ve s. au milieu du IIe s. av. J.-C.: les enseignements céramiques, pp. 75-124
* Roald Docter, Janien Sonneveld: Punic Glass from Carthaginian Settlement Excavations, pp. 125-146
* Philip C. Schmitz: Punic Graffiti on Pottery from the Bir Messaouda Excavations 2000/2001, pp. 147-160
* Leïla Ladjimi Sebaï: Inscriptions of the Imperial Period from the Bir Messaouda Excavations 2000/2001, pp. 161-168
* Liliane Ennabli: Two Christian Inscriptions from the Bir Messaouda Excavations 2000/2001, pp. 169-172
* Patrick Monsieur: Italic, Latin and Greek Graffiti and Dipinti on Pottery from the Bir Messaouda Excavations 2000/2001, pp. 173-182

CARTHAGE STUDIES 4 (2010): BABETTE BECHTOLD, The Pottery Repertoire from Late 6th - Mid 2nd Century BC Carthage: Observations based on the Bir Messaouda Excavations.


Prof. Dr. Roald Docter