Carthage Studies
Carthage Studies is een peer-reviewed tijdschrift met de bedoeling onderzoek rond antiek Carthago te publiceren, van de Fenicische periode tot de Middeleeuwen. De voertaal is (bij voorkeur) Engels, Frans of Italiaans.
Editorial Board
Editor: Prof. Dr. Roald Docter
Advisory Editoral board
Prof. Dr. Habib Ben Younes (Tunis) | Dr. Joan Ramon Torres (Ibiza) |
Prof. Dr. Fethi Chelbi (Tunis) | Dr. Claudia Sagona (Melbourne) |
Dr. Brien Garnand (Walla Walla) | Prof. Dr. Thomas Schäfer (Tübingen) |
Prof. Dr. Nota Kourou (Athens) | Prof. Dr. Philip C. Schmitz (Michigan) |
Dr. John Lund (Copenhagen) | Dr. Francesca Spatafora (Palermo) |
Dr. Boutheina Maraoui Telmini (Tunis) | Prof. Dr. Susan Stevens (Lynchburg) |
Prof. Dr. Dirce Marzoli (Madrid) | Dr. Nicholas Vella (La Valletta) |
Dr. Richard Miles (Cambridge) | Prof. Dr. Carlos Wagner (Madrid) |
Dr. Ida Oggiano (Rome) |
Gepubliceerde nummers
CARTHAGE STUDIES 1 (2007): BABETTE BECHTOLD, La classe Byrsa 661 a Cartagine. Nuove evidenze per la tipologia e la cronologia di ceramica calena nella metropoli punica; ROALD F. DOCTER, Published Settlement Contexts of Punic Carthage
CARTHAGE STUDIES 2 (2008): BABETTE BECHTOLD, Observations on the amphora repertoire of Middle Punic Carthage
* Roald Docter: In memoriam Hans Georg Niemeyer (1933-2007), pp. 1-12
* Roald Docter, Kheir-eddine Hassaine: In memoriam Friedrich Rakob (1931-2007) , pp. 13-20
* Jeffrey Slopsma, Louise van Wijngaarden-Bakker, Rik Maliepaard: Animal Remains from the Bir Messaouda Excavations 2000/2001 and other Carthaginian Settlement Contexts, pp. 21-64
* Wim Van Neer, Wim Wouters: Fish Remains from the Bir Messaouda Excavations 2000/2001 and other Carthaginian Settlement Contexts, pp. 65-74
* Sami Ben Taher, Lamia Fersi: Gigthis et Carthage du Ve s. au milieu du IIe s. av. J.-C.: les enseignements céramiques, pp. 75-124
* Roald Docter, Janien Sonneveld: Punic Glass from Carthaginian Settlement Excavations, pp. 125-146
* Philip C. Schmitz: Punic Graffiti on Pottery from the Bir Messaouda Excavations 2000/2001, pp. 147-160
* Leïla Ladjimi Sebaï: Inscriptions of the Imperial Period from the Bir Messaouda Excavations 2000/2001, pp. 161-168
* Liliane Ennabli: Two Christian Inscriptions from the Bir Messaouda Excavations 2000/2001, pp. 169-172
* Patrick Monsieur: Italic, Latin and Greek Graffiti and Dipinti on Pottery from the Bir Messaouda Excavations 2000/2001, pp. 173-182
CARTHAGE STUDIES 4 (2010): BABETTE BECHTOLD, The Pottery Repertoire from Late 6th - Mid 2nd Century BC Carthage: Observations based on the Bir Messaouda Excavations.