HR Committee

In the context of the career and promotion policy for professorial staff (in action since october 2018) an HR Committee is organised for each professorial staff member. This committee takes on a double role. On the one hand it provides support and feedback, on the other hand it has an advising role regarding evaluation and promotion of the staff member. Each HR Committee organises moments of feedback and evaluation depending on where a professorial staff member is in their career plan. Professorial staff members can always count on this committee if they are in need of feedback, support or coaching.

In the composition of each HR Committee both the regulation for professorial staff and the basic principles as approved on the Faculty Board of February 13th, 2019, are taken into account. Besides the Faculty representatives (the dean, department chairs) also one peer professorial staff member and an HR expert of HR Policy (DPO) reside in this committee.





Dean's office