- Having some R or Rstudio related issues? Come to the RSO and “walk in” with your questions, every Thursday between 3pm and 4pm (online or on campus). Info
FPPW researchers can contact the Faculty Research Support Office (RSO) for several topics. More info on the intranet page.
- Tips and tricks for Web-based Research
- Available research equipment and devices [intranet]
- In "De Krook" you can find flexible workplaces (reservation) and research rooms for innovative research. For more information, contact the UGent coordinator in "De Krook".
- Onderzoekslokalen reserveren
Doctoral research
- PhD from A to Z [internal]
Belgian law gives authors the right to make scholarly publications available in Open Access with a maximum embargo period of 12 months for Social Science & Humanities (SSH), if the publication is a result of research funded for at least 50% by public funds. More info here.
- Publications of faculty members
- Flemish Academic Bibliographic Database for the Social Sciences and Humanities (VABB-SHW)
Research funding
All info about faculty research funding and support via the Faculty Mobility and Sabbatical Fund (FMS) and the Faculty Research Fund (FOF) can be found via the intranet.
FWO funding
- Support for grant proposals
- Examples of successful funding applications (e.g. Phd Fellowships, Postdoc Fellowships, Research Projects, congress organization,...) can be found here.
Research Data Management
- Research Data Management
- Faculty guidelines with regard to Research Data Management
- The Data Management Plan
- Data Storage Fact Sheets
- Faculty Archive for Research Material