Test Library

Test catalogue

Two test catalogues in Dutch (but paying and free to consult in the Test Library) are:

Loan conditions


Loaning is exclusively reserved for AP members and scientific project collaborators, connected to the faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of Ghent University. Students of the faculty mentioned above, who are enrolled in the second or third cycle of the program, can also loan tests.
A number of tests fall outside the above provision and cannot be loaned (see list at the desk of the Testotheek)
The loan period is 14 days but can be extended by mail if the material has not been reserved by others.
You can borrow a maximum of 5 tests at a time.


Those entitled to loan tests may consult tests. In addition, graduate psychologists and pedagogues, upon presentation of diploma, can come and inspect the tests on site. No other persons can use this facility.

Loan terms

Students must always first request approval from someone in the ZAP, AAP or academic staff via the loan form (both for test materials and dictaphones). The approval process is automatic via email. Project staff, assistants and members of the ZAP who loan themselves should also fill out such a form but should not go through the approval process.

  • The loaner pays the value of the material consumed.
  • If the loaned material is lost, an amount equivalent to the purchase price of the material will be paid.
  • The loaned material must be returned on time, complete and in good condition.
  • Test materials will not be loaned to third parties.
  • Test materials will not be copied.


You may reserve test materials that are on loan. When the material is then returned it will be kept for 1 week. If the material is not picked up within that week it will be released again.