Enrolment for External GIT (on the basis of a Belgian degree)

Still enrolled in a program (at another institution in Belgium) that gives admission to a program (master, linking course, preparatory course) at UGent and want to start at UGent already (external GIT)?


Step 1: Make an Enrolment Application

Make an Online Enrolment Application

You will receive an automatic email:

'You indicated that you have not yet obtained the diploma on the basis of which you wish to enrol.
You must submit your diploma upon enrolment.
If you will not obtain the diploma that gives access to the programme before 30-09-202X (so not even in the second exam period) and you already want to start, you need permission from the curriculum committee to combine your current programme with your programme at Ghent University.
You will have to apply for an external GIT.'

Do not apply for an external GIT if you will obtain your diploma before the start of the academic year. Wait to apply for an external GIT until you are sure you will not obtain your diploma.

Step 2: Apply for an external GIT

  1. Go to https://oasis.ugent.be/oasis-web/inschrijven
    (If necessary click on the button at the top right 'in English')
    Click on 'View details' with your enrolment application.
  2. Click on 'View details' in the 'application for external GIT' box
  3. Answer the 3 mandatory questions:
    • Obtained credits in current programme?
    • Credits to be obtained in order to graduate?
    • Earliest graduation date?
    At documents you add your scoring note(s).
  4. Submit the application for external GIT.
    You will receive an automatic email with confirmation of your application.
  5. The faculty will also receive an automatic email and assess your application.
    If necessary, the faculty will contact you.
    You will receive an email with the decision.

Step 3: Enrol for the programme you have yet to complete

Step 4: Enrol for the follow-up programme at UGent

You can only enrol for the follow-up programme at UGent if you

  • have an approved external GIT application
  • and after you're enrolled for the programme you have yet to complete

So you can only click on 'Enrol' as soon as we also have your certificate of enrolment for the programme you have yet to complete.
We automatically receive your certificate of enrolment for programmes in Flemish higher education.
Did you enrol already, and the message about the certificate of enrolment remains? Then mail your certificate of enrolment to

  1. Go to https://oasis.ugent.be/oasis-web/inschrijven
    (If necessary click on the button at the top right 'in English')

    Click on 'View details' with your enrolment application.
  2. Click ‘Enrol’


Registrar's Office