'The fight against cross-border fraud at a supranational level: feasibility, desirability and necessities, best practices and lessons for social fraud'
Workshop on similarities and differences between the (inspection) services in the fight against social and fiscal fraud | 14.05.2014
In Dutch – Original title: 'Workshop gelijkenissen en verschillen tussen de (inspectie)diensten betrokken in de strijd tegen sociale en fiscale fraude'
Workshop in cooperation with the Social Intelligence and Investigation Service (Sociale Inlichtingen- en Opsporingsdienst/Service d'information et de recherche sociale – SIOD/SIRS)
Seminar 'Triangular Labour Relations' | 21.11.2012
In Dutch – Original title: 'Triangulaire Arbeidsverhoudingen'
'Underground economy', seminar by the Centre for Policing & Security | 13.03.2014
Slides Professor Jorens and Dirk Gillis: 'Sociale fraude: een complex fenomeen met een nog complexere controle?'
BLUS colloquium 'The fight against social fraud, labour exploitation and human trafficking: challenges and solutions at national and EU level' | 19.12.2013
In Dutch/French – Original Title: 'De aanpak van sociale fraude, arbeidsuitbuiting en mensenhandel: uitdagingen en oplossingen op nationaal en EU-niveau' / 'La lutte contre la fraude sociale, l'exploitation au travail et la traite des êtres humains: défis et solutions aux niveaux national et européen'