Henri-Paul Roger Mukendi-Kabongo

Short Bio

Mr Henri-Paul Roger Mukendi-Kabongo Kokolo has been a PhD student at Ghent University since 2016, tax lawyer at the Brussels Bar and also assistant at the University of Kinshasa in the DRC.

After his law studies, he obtained an additional Masters degree in tax law at the ULB (Université libre de Bruxelles) in 1998 and an OHADA degree in commercial law at the Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas in 2015.

His PhD research is entitled: “« L'Abus (de droit) fiscal en matière d’impôt sur les revenus : son régime fiscal en droit comparé (congolais, français et belge). Pour une modernisation de l’arsenal juridique et fiscal congolais face aux impératifs de la mondialisation.” It is supervised by is prof. dr. Bart Peeters.

He is the author of "Précis de la Taxe sur la Valeur Ajoutée congolaise", Brussels, ed. Hachepaire Lex edition, a popularised work on Congolese VAT.

He is a member of the scientific board of the "Revue de Droit Africain, Doctrine et jurisprudence".