Faculty Student Administration (FSA)

You can contact the Faculty Student Administration (FSA) for:

Students can download and print certificates such as certificates of enrolment, certificates of attendance, certificates of language proficiency, … directly in Oasis.


Campus Ghent (Coupure & Schoonmeersen)

  • email: fsa.fbw@ugent.be
  • phone 09/264.59.02 or 09/264.60.81
  • for matters concerning doctorate by phone +32 9 264 60 81 and by email :
  • Coupure Links 653, 9000 Ghent, Building A - Room A1.101 
  • open from Monday – Friday between 9h-12h and 13h30-16h30 (except on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning)
  • During the examination periods the FSA is open every weekday

Campus Kortrijk

  • email: fsa.fbw@ugent.be
  • phone: +32 56 24 12 53
  • Sint-Martens-Latemlaan 2B, 8500 Kortrijk - Room A.0.313
  • Open from

• Monday: 8u30 – 12u00
• Tuesday: 8u30 – 12u00 en 13u30 – 16u00
• Thursday: 8u30 – 12u00 en 13u30 – 16u00
• Friday: 8u30 – 12u00