History of the Faculty of Sciences

Geschiedenis 1817-1930
Periode 1817-1930
Geschiedenis 1930-2050
Periode 1930-2050

Using a timeline, we visualise the history of the Faculty of Sciences, from its origins in 1817 to the present and even looking into the near future.

It shows the important events that marked the Faculty of Sciences, situates the buildings it moved into and highlights professors from the past or events that marked the faculty.

Clicking the QR codes allow the reader to delve further into the developments of the faculty, its buildings and the people who helped shape the research at the faculty.

We thank all those who contributed to the Faculty of Sciences timeline initiative: Marc Antrop, Philippe De Maeyer, Beata De Vliegher, Eric Goethals, Christine Iserentant, Jozef Van Beeumen, Guido Vanden Berghe, Isabel Van Driessche, Wim Van Roy, as well as the University Archive and the various departments that contributed.

We welcome any ideas of additions (alumni.we@ugent.be).