Library Faculty Sciences

Opening hours

  • Monday to Friday from 8 am to 8 pm. Service: 9 am to 5 pm.
  • Closed for audience July 1 till August 11. Service open: July 1 - July 10. Back on August 12.


  • blok@S5: The library is open every day from 8 am to 10 pm, also on weekends and holidays from Monday August 12 till Friday September 13 (7/7). See bloklocaties

Study and workplaces

  • 300 study and workplaces: 2nd and 3rd floor S5. Not to be reserved.
  • Reserve a group workroom on the 2nd floor S5 for free or via QR code. Confirm when you enter. Every weekday: 8 am to 8 pm. Freely accessible during the blok@S5 till 10 pm. 


  • Printing, scanning, copying: loud library 2nd floor S5, via ePurse.
  • Many sockets and WIFI (Eduroam).
  • Water tap: silent library 2nd floor S5.
  • Lockers: 95 lockers available for free: corridor 2nd floor S5. These are emptied every day.
  • Lounge: relaxation room from StuW: 2nd floor S5.


  • Consult online or borrow (4 weeks). Reserve and pick it up on the third floor (information officers desk).
  • Databases with (re)search tips and open access publications of UGent researchers (biblio).
  • Browsing the shelves? College books and top collection on 3rd floor S5.
  • Need an article from a print-only journal? Request your scan via (tutorial)
  • Need a book from another library? Inter-library loan traffic (IBL). 
  • Free books in the lounge (2nd floor S5).

Service during office hours on weekdays: 9 am – 5 pm.


Head of the library: prof. Anne Willems
Coordinator: Tine Lievrouw
Information officers: Ilse Minnebo, Griet Dedecker and Nele Van Renterghem

General contact:, ring the bell, telephone during office hours (9 am – 5 pm): 09 264 44 11 or make an appointment.


Krijgslaan 281 (s5)
9000 Gent
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