Going on exchange for students in Master of Science in Civil Engineering
The faculty deadline for online applications outside of Europe is Friday 10 January 2025 at 5 pm. The faculty deadline for online applications in Europe is Friday 31 January 2025 at 5 pm. Late applications will not be accepted.
General information about the procedure for outgoing students
Check out the general information on how to apply.
Requirements to go on exchange
- learning path: decision by the Departmental Coordinator
- duration: 1 or 2 semesters, during the 1st or 2nd master
The coordinator ranks the applicants; in order to do so not only the examination results are taken into account, but also other criteria such as independence, motivation, etcetera. A priori no minimal study performance is set as a condition.
Bilak Contact Person [BCP]: see column BCP in list of agreements
Departmental Coordinator [DC]: Hans De Backer
Study Programme Committee - chairman [OC-vz]: Tom De Mulder
Faculty International Relations Officer [FIRO]: Ann Vanoutryve
Learning Track Counsellor [STB]: studietrajecting.ea@ugent.be
Acceptance of study programme during exchange
During the preparation phase, the student compiles a study programme during exchange in Oasis in collaboration with the departmental coordinator, which needs to be approved by the Curriculum Committee. On arrival, changes to the study programme can be made but need to be accepted by the Departmental Coordinator and the Curriculum Committee again. More information.
Where can you go on exchange ?
The exchange of students with other countries is regulated by bilateral agreements (Europe) and cooperation agreements (outside of Europe) with international universities.
For destinations in Europe, students can only choose an institution on the list of agreements made up for their education programme. It is not possible to choose a destination in Europe which is not intended for your study programme.
For destinations outside of Europe, students from the education programme for which the cooperation agreement is intended, have priority for these places. Only when there are vacant places, your education programme is taught there and your education programme committee agrees on this exchange, you can apply for these destinations (see list below).
Priority destinations
Partner | Erasmuscode | Country | Contract type | Aantal uit | Periode uit | Mobility type | area | BCP | Opleiding | DC |
Université libre de Bruxelles | B BRUXEL04 | België | Erasmus Belgica 2021/27 | 5 | 10 | Studie | 0700 Engineering, manufacturing and construction (5) | all | Hans De Backer | |
Université de Liège | B LIEGE01 | België | Erasmus Belgica 2021/27 | 5 | 10 | Studie | 0700 Engineering, manufacturing and construction (5) | all | Hans De Backer | |
University of Pardubice | CZ PARDUB01 | Tsjechië | Erasmus+ Programme countries 2021/27 | 4 | 5 | Studie | 0732 Building and civil engineering (582) | Hans De Backer | EMCIVI | Hans De Backer |
RWTH Aachen University | D AACHEN01 | Duitsland | Erasmus+ Programme countries 2021/27 | 2 | 10 | Studie | 0732 Building and civil engineering (582) | Geert De Schutter | EMCIVI | Hans De Backer |
Technische Universität Carolo-Wilhelmina zu Braunschweig | D BRAUNSC01 | Duitsland | Erasmus+ Programme countries 2021/27 | 1 | 5 | Studie | 0732 Building and civil engineering (582) | Peter Troch | EMCIVI | Hans De Backer |
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya • BarcelonaTech | E BARCELO03 | Spanje | Erasmus+ Programme countries 2021/27 | 2 | 10 | Studie | 0732 Building and civil engineering (582) | Peter Troch | EMCIVI | Hans De Backer |
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid | E MADRID05 | Spanje | Erasmus+ Programme countries 2021/27 | 1 | 10 | Studie | 0732 Building and civil engineering (582) | Hans De Backer | EMCIVI | Hans De Backer |
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia | E VALENCI02 | Spanje | Erasmus+ Programme countries 2021/27 | 3 | 10 | Studie | 0732 Building and civil engineering (582) | Peter Troch | EMCIVI | Hans De Backer |
Ecole Supérieure d'ingénieurs des travaux de la construction de Caen | F EPERON01 | Frankrijk | Erasmus+ Programme countries 2021/27 | 3 | 5 | Studie | 0732 Building and civil engineering (582) | Andreas Kortenhaus | EMCIVI | Hans De Backer |
Université de Nantes | F NANTES01 | Frankrijk | Erasmus+ Programme countries 2021/27 | 3 | 10 | Studie | 0732 Building and civil engineering (582) | Geert De Schutter | EMCIVI | Hans De Backer |
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | G THESSAL01 | Griekenland | Erasmus+ Programme countries 2021/27 | 1 | 10 | Studie | 0732 Building and civil engineering (582) | Peter Troch | EMCIVI | Hans De Backer |
Università di Bologna | I BOLOGNA01 | Italië | Erasmus+ Programme countries 2021/27 | 3 | 5 | Studie | 0732 Building and civil engineering (582) | Peter Troch | EMCIVI | Hans De Backer |
Politecnico di Milano | I MILANO02 | Italië | Erasmus+ Programme countries 2021/27 | 2 | 5 | Studie | 0732 Building and civil engineering (582) | Robby Caspeele | EMCIVI | Hans De Backer |
Università degli Studi Roma Tre | I ROMA16 | Italië | Erasmus+ Programme countries 2021/27 | 2 | 5 | Studie | 0732 Building and civil engineering (582) | Peter Troch | EMCIVI | Hans De Backer |
Università degli Studi Roma Tre | I ROMA16 | Italië | Erasmus+ Programme countries 2021/27 | 3 | 5 | Studie | 0732 Building and civil engineering (582) | Hans De Backer | EMCIVI | Hans De Backer |
Politecnico di Torino | I TORINO02 | Italië | Erasmus+ Programme countries 2021/27 | 3 | 10 | Studie | 0732 Building and civil engineering (582) | Robby Caspeele | EMCIVI | Hans De Backer |
Università degli Studi di Trieste | I TRIESTE01 | Italië | Erasmus+ Programme countries 2021/27 | 1 | 5 | Studie | 0732 Building and civil engineering (582) | Jan Belis | EMCIVI | Hans De Backer |
Norwegian University of Science and Technology | N TRONDHE01 | Noorwegen | Erasmus+ Programme countries 2021/27 | 2 | 10 | Studie | 0732 Building and civil engineering (582) | Peter Troch | EMCIVI | Hans De Backer |
Universidade do Minho | P BRAGA01 | Portugal | Erasmus+ Programme countries 2021/27 | 2 | 5 | Studie | 0613 Software and applications development and analysis (481) | Helga Naessens | EMCIVI | Hans De Backer |
Universidade de Lisboa | P LISBOA109 | Portugal | Erasmus+ Programme countries 2021/27 | 2 | 5 | Studie | 0732 Building and civil engineering (582) | Tom De Mulder | EMCIVI | Hans De Backer |
Universidade do Porto | P PORTO02 | Erasmus+ Programme countries 2021/27 | 2 | 5 | Studie | 0732 Building and civil engineering (582) | Hans De Backer | EMCIVI | Hans De Backer | |
Lund University | S LUND01 | Zweden | Erasmus+ Programme countries 2021/27 | 1 | 5 | Studie | 0732 Building and civil engineering (582) | Hans De Backer | EMCIVI | Hans De Backer |
Tongji University | China | 4 | 6 | 0700 Engineering, manufacturing and construction (5) | Geert De Schutter | EMCIVI priority | Hans De Backer | |||
Stellenbosch University | Zuid-Afrika | 1 | 6 | 0700 Engineering, manufacturing and construction (5) | Robby Caspeele | EMCIVI priority | Hans De Backer |
Faculty-wide destinations
See Overview