
Facultaire Dienst Onderwijsondersteuning (FDO)

Faculty Library

International Relations Office

The International Relations Office (IRO) is the first point of contact for all international students and staff. The IRO can give you practical information or refer you to another contact person.


Language & writing


The ombudsperson deals with problems and complaints from students, doctoral students and teaching assistants. The ombudsperson receives, investigates and handles complaints, and acts as mediator in disputes.

PR & Communications

The faculty service PR & Communications is responsible for the educational communication of the faculty, is the first point of contact for questions regarding the faculty website and faculty news and takes care of the social media channels, monthly newsletters and faculty events. 

You can always contact them with questions concerning the faculty style guide, promo materials and Public Relations.

Psychosocial well-being for employees (including doctoral students)

As faculty and colleagues, we care about your well-being. It is important that everyone feels good at work and enjoys coming to the office. Are you having a difficult time? Do you suffer from stress or a bore-out? Are you faced with a lack of motivation, conflict, transgressive behaviour, ....? Or do you see a colleague struggling with these issues? Talk about it.

Make sure to get it off your chest!

Psychosocial well-being for students

As faculty and as a university, we care about the well-being of our students. Student life is exciting and challenging; but it's not all sunshine and roses. Unfortunately, psychosocial well-being issues may arise. Stress, fear of failure, discrimination, transgressive behaviour ... these are examples of issues that need to be addressed. For any issue - no matter how small or 'harmless' it may seem - there is someone you can turn to.

Make sure to get it off your chest!


Study and workplaces

UGent Career Center

This online platform connects master students, PhD's, alumni and employers.

  • For companies and organisations: post vacancies, manage your vacancies, increase the visibility of your company or organisation, ...
  • For students: job opportunities, career events, prepare yourself for the labour market, ...