Re-enrolment for the academic year 2023-2024

Re-enrolment through Oasis

(Re-)enrolment is possible up to and including September 30th. From October 1st onwards your enrolment is considered to be late and the Curriculum committee can then decide to prohibit you from taking up certain course units in your curriculum.


  • Go to Oasis
  • Log in with your UGent account on the UGent CAS login page. The Oasis starting page appears.
  • Go to the menu AJ 2024-2025 > Curriculum and select the option "Herinschrijving" (Re-enrolment)
  • Students with resit exams can only re-enrol after the results of the resit exams are known.

More information about the procedure? Check the student portal

Curriculum application through OASIS

You complete your curriculum in Oasis and submit the final version at the latest on 30 September 2024.


  • Go to the menu AJ 2024-2025 > Curriculum > Curriculum bewerken (modify curriculum)
  • When completing your curriculum or personalised learning track (GIT) make sure you take into account the faculty curriculum regulations!


  • The learning track counsellor or the faculty student administration (FSA) of your campus verifies your curriculum.
  • Your personalised learning track (GIT) is submitted under resolutive conditions. If the faculty rejects your proposal, you submit a new curriculum proposal in Oasis as soon as possible. Should any questions arise or in case of rejection you are always notified via your UGent email.
  • Upon approval of your curriculum (at the latest 15 November) you receive an automatic email in your UGent mailbox.

Questions or problems

  • Problems with or questions about your registration?  Contact the faculty student administration via 

Do not send your mail to different persons or offices simultaneously but write to only one address.

Always mention your full name and student number in your email.

More information

  • Information on certificates: after (re-)enrolment you can print various certificates in Oasis: proof of registration, Railway certificate, …