
The Faculty of Engineering and Architecture encourages its students to carry out a practical internship during their studies. This internship can also count for credits in your curriculum, depending on the content, the length of the internship and the offer in the study programme.

Infosession internship for students in academic year 2024-2025

Internship regulations

Depending on the elective courses offered in the study programme, an internship can be included in the curriculum as Industry internship or as Research internship, for 3 or 6 ECTS. Internships are first carried out (during the summer months) and then included in the curriculum of the following academic year. Carrying out and including an internship in the same academic year is possible if the deadlines are strictly met.

All internships must always comply with the most current internship regulations.

Crossing boundaries

Did you experience behavior that went beyond your limits during your internship, did you witness it or are you in doubt whether your behavior was inappropriate? Even if you don't know whether you can call it transgressive behavior or discrimination. Any form of such behavior at the internship site cannot be tolerated.

Are you still confronted with it, do you have doubts or do you have questions? Trustpunt is there for you (information and contact).

How do I find an internship?

There is no strict procedure to find an internship, nor is there a single list with internship positions to choose from. Some options to find an internship:

  • For Engineering programmes, ‘VTK’ publishes internship positions on its website. Possible internships can also be found at their annual Internship(- and Job)fair.
  • For Engineering Technology, Hermes organizes each year a Job & Internship Event. More information can be found on their Recruitmentsite.
  • Also check the websites of the other student associations - they may also publish an internship offer.
  • IAESTE, a global organization which enables students in scientific and technical studies to perform an internship abroad, coordinates internships abroad.
  • Some master programmes organize internal industry-related events where opportunities for internships are announced.
  • The MSc in Information Engineering Technology has its own website for internships within the study programme.
  • You can contact companies yourself, or activate your network !
  • Most of your professors have excellent relations with different companies and are undoubtedly willing to help you find an exciting internship.


The procedure which you must follow to register your internship depends on the type of internship:

Useful links


Regular internships:
