Psychosocial well-being: students

Wellbeing at Ghent University

As a faculty, we think it's important that our students are mentally feeling well so we want to help them find their way to the right support for any issue. Therefore we would like to refer to the webpage Wellbeing at Ghent university, where you can find support for minor and major concerns. More specifically, we would like to give attention to the following problems:

Student Psychologists

For personal or study-related questions and problems (e.g. relational problems, anxiety, depression, procrastination, perfectionism, stress, fear of failure) students can contact the student psychologists.


Are you confronted with transgressive behaviour, threats, violence or unwanted sexual harassment?  You can always contact the confidential counsellors of Trustpunt. Even if you are not sure whether you can call it transgressive behaviour or discrimination. Conversations are confidential. You decide whether and which steps are taken. Confidential counsellors are neutral and do not judge. Do you just want to talk about it? Would you like tips on how to react or how to handle a situation? Do you need concrete help? Don't hesitate to talk to us.


Students and doctoral students (fellows, predoctoral scientific staff, assistants) can contact the faculty ombudspersons for most reports or complaints. If this is not possible, you may contact the institutional ombudsoffice (

The ombudsperson receives, investigates and handles complaints and can act as a mediator in disputes. Efforts are made to reach a solution in the best interest of all parties. The ombudsperson takes a neutral stance on complaints, without prejudice in favour of either students or professors. The ombudsperson will then, with the consent of the (PhD)student, take the necessary steps to resolve or clear up reported problems. However, the ombudsperson can only act within the existing decree and regulatory framework (the university education and examination code, additional faculty regulations and decisions of the faculty council). The ombudsperson is entitled to information and is bound to discretion.