
Chemistry is the key enabling science for the products we use in our everyday life. Chemistry is indispensable to secure a sustainable development of all our societies. For the chemical sector to play an active role in a changing world, in-depth knowledge of chemistry needs to be complemented with sound expertise on sustainability.

Education at Leuphana Professional School, Lüneburg, Germany

Academic Qualification in Chemistry for a Sustainable Future - M.Sc. Sustainable Chemistry and MBA Sustainable Chemistry Management at Leuphana Professional School, Lüneburg, Germany.

Education at University of York, York, UK

Discover how green chemistry can help with the industrial challenges faced by increasing demand for sustainable products and processes - MSc. Green Chemistry and Sustainable Industrial Technology.

Continue to integrate green chemistry courses at undergrad and postgrad level at UGent 

Beyond Benign provides educators with the tools, training and support to make green chemistry an integral part of chemistry education. UGent GREEN CHEM partner Catherine Cazin has recently signed an agreement to join the BeyondBenign. An introduction to green chemistry is given to the first year students, and a year-long course is embedded in the Master of Chemistry students called Professional skills of the sustainable chemist. In addition, the Master of Science in Bioscience Engineering: Chemistry and Bioprocess Technology, aims to offer a broad education in applied chemistry, biochemical and microbial technology and chemical and biochemical engineering techniques. Not only does our program focus on fundamental knowledge, it also zooms in on industrial production. The study program addresses the social demand for the use of sustainable production processes and clean technologies.