GREEN-CHEM General Assembly 2020
(17-03-2020) The GREEN-CHEM General Assembly will be held on the 2nd of June in Ghent at 'Het Pand', Ghent (Onderbergen 1, 9000 Gent, Belgium).
Join the GREEN-CHEM General Assembly on the 2nd of June in Ghent.
The main focus will be on joint research opportunities within the GREEN DEAL and on discussing the current possibilities and capabilities for e-learning.
We will share some examples, however, we would also like to hear from you! If partners are interested in contributing, we encourage you to contact before the end or march 31/03.
The GREEN-CHEM GA will be held at Het Pand, Ghent (Onderbergen 1, 9000 Gent, Belgium), which is one of the most prized and most frequently rented locations Ghent University has to offer.