Maritime Transport

It is no coincidence that world metropolises are all directly connected through rivers, estuaries, seas and eventually oceans. Advances in technology have introduced a number of techniques that provide an upgrade in the overall functioning of the shipping industry. The maritime infrastructure of the future requires new concepts, techniques, frameworks and tools. Ghent University knows how to set sails to navigate towards the future, thanks to our multidisciplinary expertise in naval architecture, offshore structures, ports and coastal infrastructure, shipping and maritime law.

Europe is one of the leading maritime centres in the world. Europe's ports are vital gateways, linking its transport corridors to the rest of the world. 74% of goods entering or leaving Europe go by sea, and Europe boasts some of the finest port facilities in the world. Ports play an equally important role to support the exchange of goods within the internal market and in linking peripheral and island areas with the mainland. Ports are not only great for transporting goods, they are also energy hubs for conventional and renewable energy sources. Every year, 400 million passengers board and disembark in European ports. Ports provide employment; There are 1.5 million workers employed in European ports, while the same number are indirectly employed in the EU's 22 maritime Member States.

The EU needs well-performing ports in all its maritime regions. Bottlenecks in ports and their hinterlands due to inadequate infrastructure or services can lead to additional congestion, additional emissions and additional costs for shippers, carriers, consumers and society as a whole.

We provide knowledge and expertise on topics like:

  • Maritime Law
  • Maritime Transport Law
  • Transport Insurance Law
  • Port economics
  • Ship technology
  • Structural design of maritime structures
  • Maritime safety and security
  • Environmental standards
  • Ship hydrodynamics
  • Ship manoeuvring (in shallow and confined water)
  • Estuary vessels
  • Mooring of ships
  • Smart technologies

Discover the Marine@UGent Research Community