
The marine and maritime challenges of today and tomorrow require an open mind and cooperation beyond our own organization. Through collaboration and partnerships we offer many benefits, including bigger scientific impact, easy access to facilities…

The location of Marine@UGent at Ostend Science Park is strategic, offering a strong Ghent University anchoring in the local and regional blue ecosystem. The city of Ostend has a long-standing tradition in marine and maritime science, resulting in a broad range of knowledge and research institutions, such as the Flanders Maritime Laboratory, the InnovOcean campus in the harbour and several living labs at the beach.

In Ostend, Marine@UGent is surrounded by local, federal and European authorities, as well as by several key players in the blue economy, such as the Port of Ostend and the European Food center. Being part of this blue ecosystem facilitates in-person meetings, joint expeditions and information exchange, fostering a collaborative and dynamic research environment.

More information about the different institutes can be found under Blue Ecosystem Ostend and National and international partnerships.

Blue Ecosystem Ostend

The map below shows the different organisations active in the blue ecosystem in Ostend and beyond.

Blue Ecosystem Ostend

Learn more about the different actors in the Blue Ecosystem Ostend:

Knowledge institutions

Research infrastructure

Public authorities

Industry / commercial


National and international partnerships

Through collaboration with local, regional, national and international partners, we offer many benefits, including bigger scientific impact, easy access to facilities, filling gaps in data and the promotion of excellence through training, international comparison and knowledge exchange.